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We were too close to the stars
I never knew somebody like you, somebody
Falling just as hard
I'd rather lose somebody than use somebody
Maybe it's a blessing in disguise (I sold my soul for you)
I see my reflection in your eyes (I sold my soul for you, I know you see it too)


Querido Simme,

   Eu te amo.

fique bem sem mim, wille.


Yeah, I brought same ones too
I know you're tired, I know you're tired
Just say it: I agree with you
Yeah, sick of all the poison in me
What did I do wrong for me, babe?
Uh, I see myself in you, I see myself in you, baby
I see myself in you, alright, I sold my soul for you
Maybe you should too


o fim. <3

reflections - wilmonOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora