The Present (2)

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Half a year later one summer night while Luna was sleeping peacefully, the Streets lights reflect her room it was dark but no too dark, she sleep on her back she doesn't have a dream that night but suddenly she was between sleep and awake, she open her eye but couldn't see clearly it was a little blur, she saw an evil looking kinda dog demon trying to attack Luna, it was so ugly it has a sharp teeth, while that ' thing ' trying to attack her she saw something that look like a Gargoyle attack that evil looking demon (looks like she was protected by Gargoyle) and she also saw that Gargoyle sitting in her bedside top drawers protecting her, like i said she was not awake or sleep she was between sleep and awake.,it was a bit blur and she close her eyes and when she wake up it was morning. The next morning Luna was thinking what kind of dream was that!? Luna never heard or know about Gargoyle, she don't know how they look like, one day while she was watching T.v with her family she changed the channel and there was a movie called Frankenstein while she was watching that movie she saw a 'Gargoyle ' she was thinking Oh My, that thing look exactly like in my dream she went to her room thinking she was attack by demon, she read a bible and pray besides her bed, That evening she was thinking again but if they are evil why did he/she protect me against that evil looking demon? she google 'Gargoyle ' if they are evil or not, she found out that Gargoyle are made in church building to protect from evil spirits, she was thinking well that makes sense he/she was protected me from that evil looking demon, but Luna didn't want to believe this things she told herself that it was a dream and don't believe this kind of things in 21st Century, if they are real and that dream was real or not it protects me and thanks for protecting me! From that day she felt like a guardian angel is protecting her, she has a flash back all the big and small accident she had since she was a little kid maybe they are my guardian angle! she google again how they look like but its not exactly the same but the shape the wings was exactly the same, the body was also gray and look like stone or cement they look creepy too. Luna think why am i having such creepy dream? she didn't tell anyone about that dream. A year later one night while she was sleeping she had another dream she wake up in the middle of nowhere everything was collapse it looks like a war or disaster she look around she saw nobody, it look empty all the building was collapse she can't move she was just standing on top of the building collapsed she look around it was a disaster or a war she doesn't know she was crying she look left to right she saw nothing but ashes and burning building and roads, she shout Hello but nobody answer, she shout again but she wake up from her dream, she was shivering she looks her phone and it was 4:30 in the morning, another dream again! she said and she pull up her blanket and went back to sleep. The next morning she was thinking again that dream and thinking that why do i have such a creepy and unsolved dream? she try to solve that last dream she had but she doesn't know or got any clue, Luna was a curious person she try to find out about dreams, she google again about dreams, she found out that people had dream from their past and from experience its like a memory, she had no idea that all her dream was a past or memory. She was tired of having a dream. Every night she pray not to have a dream and to sleep peacefully, all this dreams she had are all often, sometimes once a year, sometimes every months, from that day she stop having dreams she was so happy but something is happening to her, she can read people's mind not all of them, its like her six senses are getting stronger, when she look people eye she can tell weather they are sad or happy, when she look peoples behaviour she can tell what kind of person they are, they are well manner or not, they are classy person or not, they are a polite person or not she call tell from there talking and behaviour. She can also tell that, from there behaviour they like her or not, Luna don't know what happen to her she didn't tell anyone, one noon while she was thinking about her dream, she was watching a video on YouTube, she scroll down her phone and one video pop up, it was about some guy got talanted because of their accident, she was curious and click the video and watch, there is one guy who had accident and hit his head and after that he is a maths genius, Luna watch another video about people having this talanted things from there accident. Luna also think maybe i was also having this from my accident but the doctor said i was all fine, i know i hit my head but i saw what i saw, when she can read people mind and thought she also can feel when people are going to die, like a cat can tell when somebody is going to die they cry all night, and when an Owl cry all night somebody is going to die, Luna also had this kind of feelings but not exactly the same as a cat or owl, she feel unwell she can't sleep at night and think that something is going to happen she doesn't know what exactly is going to happen she felt in her bone, sometimes she was so angry, everytime she had this kind of behaviour somebody from her neighbourhood or someone she knows or somebody from her next neighbourhood are dead, she can tell her grandmother is going to die from her behaviour, one day Luna went to her cousin home her cousin said grandma was always calling me these days, Luna said i know she also call mom everyday these days grandma behaviour is changed and i am worry i hope she is okay, her cousin said are you mad she is going to be okay, and a week later her grandmother died in her sleep., Luna cousin ask Luna how did you know? Luna told her i don't know i just guess it,she changed her behaviour. After she stop having a dream she had that mind reading kinda thing, a year later one night while she was sleeping she started to have another dream, she was in the hospital she ran into one of the room calling everyone to get inside she pull inside people as many as she can and tell the doctor that it started and the doctor lock all the windows and Luna lock the door and block with a log, the doctor said are you sure it started? Luna said yes, i am and they heard people screaming outside, people from inside ask Luna what is happening tell us, Luna said i don't know i know it started, people said what exactly is started? Luna said you don't want to know, shhhh.... keep silent they will hear you, people are running and shouting from outside, one woman ask again Luna please I'm scared tell me what is happening? Luna look around and said i have to save you, the people said from what? Luna said i can't tell you but i know they will eat your flesh we have to get out here and moved to somewhere safe, an hour later the outside got silent Luna look outside from the window and saw nothing and said all right its clear grab the rope and hold on tight and don't let go and we have to run and don't make any noise, and don't get bitten you will turn one of them, and they went out silently, Luna said we have to run and she wake up from her dream, she was all sweating she get up and went to the bathroom to wash her face she look herself in the mirror and said a dream again! she went back to her bed and try to sleep again she can't sleep she was thinking that dream, what kind of dream and why i have to save people, and from what?? she said oh wait, the curly red hair girl said i have a destiny that makes sense but why? where? when? what from?? she had no idea and try to went back to sleep. She sleep again and she was standing on top of the collapse building again she look around nobody was there everything was gone she was the only survivor she shout ' Hello ' again and she wake up in her bed again, she sit up and said oh no, a double dream and why do i had the same dream again? she look the window and it was dawn. She couldn't sleep anymore and she get up and went to the kitchen to make Breakfast.

*To Be Continued*

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