Tired (Pazura)

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Don't you ever feel tired of this war? Astra's words rang in Ser Patrick's mind as he left the meeting room. Yes. Yes he did. Of course he did, and of course Astra knew. After all, she had directed that question at him, and him alone. Shaking his head, he heaved a sigh. War... it had taken such a toll on them, both physically and mentally. It wasn't something you could just unsee. 

And Azura... he wanted more time with her, wanted more time for them. But they never seemed to have the time, with Azura always down in her lab, always focused on making new inventions that would help, and he was always busy running the council and keeping tabs on the war. 

"I am tired... but what am I to do?" he muttered under his breath, sighing deeply. Staring at the clock, he realised it was midnight. Azura... She was working late again. He walked down to the labs, but was surprised to find that it was empty. Azura wasn't there. Looking out of the window, he saw a small snow capped hill directly before him. Carefully making his way up, he saw two figures standing at the pinnacle. Snow drifted gently down around them, however Patrick could make out Astra's black hair- rather, that streak of purple in her black hair, and Azura's light blue hair.

Stepping up to them, he asked softly, "What are you doing?" 

"...Resting," Astra answered with a smile at Azura before flopping backwards into the snow, closing her eyes and sighing blissfully.

"Well, I'm surprised you aren't cold up here," Patrick laughed, and Azura replied matter-of-factly, "I'm used to it now." 

"I... I've missed this," he admitted, staring at Azura. 

"As have I," her reply was quiet, calm. Up here in the snow, Azura... She looked like an angel. Patrick's gaze was soft as he stared at her. The technician smiled softly, and it was almost as though she was sent by the angels themselves. 

"You need more rest, Azura," Patrick pointed out concernedly, observing the dark bags beneath her eyes. 

"I could say the same for you," she answered and Patrick knew she was right. 

"I...I know... but there's hardly any time nowadays. 

"Well, we have some time now," Azura took Patrick's hand, leading him back to the path. 

"Wait! What about her?" 

"She'll be fine." 

Astra heard their receding footsteps, and smiled slightly, her eyes still closed. She shipped it.

The two stopped a little ways away from the castle, standing there in the snow. 

"I... I can't believe it's been so long since I actually admired the snow," Azura admitted. "It's beautiful, isn't it?" Patrick smiled, squeezing her hand slightly. Azura turned to face him, her blue eyes filled with happiness. Patrick's gaze softened when he saw this. He loved seeing her happy. Slowly leaning in, the two lovers shared a kiss as the snow fell down around them, and for once, everything melted away, for once, they could be at peace with the world. They could rest.

Okay so this is the first one, some crappy fanfic I wrote a long, long time back (okay not so long but still) Anyways uh, if you've read thus far, hope you enjoyed it! As usual, vote, comment an follow! Stay safe y'all :)

~Lightningstar out

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