AU! Modern Times - Love is in the Air ;)

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"Damn- What the hell!" Patrick muttered under his breath, ducking out of the way as a paper plane was flung in his direction, well, not really directly at him, more like across the hallway. Yep, just another damn day at Rainimator High. Except today it was Valentine's Day. Joy. This had been the tenth time had to avoid a love letter of some sort that just so happened to have his head in its sights. Tightening his grip around his files, he swallowed a sigh, quickening his pace. The sooner he got back to the dorm, the better.

Slamming the door behind him, he blew out a relieved breath. 

"So, how's it like out there?" Daryll's voice came from the corner of the room, causing Patrick to jump. 

"Holy-" Recovering from the slight scare, he dumped his study paraphernalia on his desk, replying, "You want to go and find out?" 

"No thanks," Daryll shook his head, running a hand through his hair. "Got things to do." 

"Tch-" Patrick tutted, somewhat teasingly. Opening his mouth to say something, he was cut off by the door opening once more, revealing an exhausted Kane.

"It's a whole warzone out there, ya know?" He exclaimed, exasperated as he collapsed onto the bed. 

"Oh, stop over-exaggerating, would you? ...What, am I the only one alive here?" An all too exuberant voice chipped in, Lance striding into the room. Daryll simply hummed, picking up his pen, scribbling furiously on a piece of paper. 

"...You expect anyone to understand that?" Patrick questioned, trying to pick out the brown-haired teen's messy scrawl of words.

"Are you not nervous at all?" Daryll ignored him, directing his question to Lance, who rolled his eyes, pointing at himself. 

"Who, me? No. No way! I've got everything all planned out, you know? Ebony's gonna love what I prepared for her," He finished, putting on his coat, twirling around before checking his reflection. 

"Diva," Kane muttered, closing his eyes. 

"I'm just going to keep an eye on Ciara, just in case." 

"Aaaand those are the overprotective brother instincts!" Lance grinned, seeming to not have heard the good-humoured jab at him. Kane just buried his face in his pillow in response. The other two had gone to change up, leaving just the both of them, unfortunately. Kane simply opted to start on homework- honestly, for him, it was just another normal day.

"Welp, you guys ready?" Lance questioned Patrick, who had just gotten changed. 

"How does one ask someone out, huh?" The taller teen demanded, though it was rather obvious he was hiding his nerves. 

"Ooh, is the fearless Patrick nervous?" Lance snickered, Daryll letting out a small chuckle at that. 

"Do I look fine?" The brown-haired teen drew a comb through his messy hair, neatening it up a little. 

"Mm," Patrick replied, struggling with his final button. "Ready to go?"

"Good luck!" Kane shouted after them as they left, shaking his head. Lovestruck idiots, all of them were. Swivelling around on his chair, he grabbed his phone, texting Elite.

Hey, up for Cod? My dorm. The rest are out.

He would never, for the life of him, understand how one could fall head over heels for someone. And thank gosh Ciara was going to catch a movie with Ceris and her sister. They could take care of her, at least.


"Frick frick frickkkk!" Astra whispered, pacing around the room. 

"What is it?" Azura questioned beside her, pinning an accessory into her blue hair. 

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