Is it Ok to lie, or should you be ashamed?

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Many have the discussions of lying, Is it okay or not? And if you do; What will be the consequences? Is it wrong? For me I would say that a white lie can never hurt, if you lie for a good reason, that's your thing, nobody's business but yours.

For me lying can be a way of keeping parts of your life secret, for a part of time, because like we all know, the truth will come forward. When we then choose to lie, we all have a reason to, sometimes small, other times larger. Like the lie "I'm fine," that's often because we don't want people to see us as weak. For others , like me, I have the experience of that lie being to give yourself some time, and then later that will be the truth. A lie can give you more time to process a fact. Others lie to cover up for the fact that maybe they didn't do something they were told to, and that can be fine.

It gets not fine, when the person lying knows that the words they're next to speak, is going to hurt. A little lie can quickly turn into a black mess. I would say that when the line is crossed, the person will know about it. They will also know about the hurt the other person will feel, and that it is not going to stay a secret for long. So when the truth is finally out in the open and people know, who is going to like this person anymore, who is going to trust them? Well it is going to be hard to gain that trust back, but the next time, the lesson will be learned. So if you keep to small lies, that doesn't hurt anybody, and can only help in the end, then why not lie? Because why shouldn't we lie if we know it can only help?

To gather my thoughts, and give you something to think about; i say that lying is a good way to go until you come to a warning sign, then stop, take time for yourself and think, then tell the truth or just move on. 

My short essay from school, But i kinda like it, here you go! =)

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