Chapter 1 Monster Hunt

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It was actually a quiet day at school for the supernatural but as usual it didn't stay that way.
The twins and Dr. Salzman are already waiting in the car, ready to hunt the monster in the forest.
Hope has her doubts though how did the monster come here so suddenly? And how did Dr. S even know about it?
But she didn't think about these things on the way to the car, she just wants to get it over with.
It's cool outside and it's raining but Hope doesn't notice that she's lost in thought when suddenly a loud voice snaps her out of her thoughts.
"Hope, hurry up, the monster isn't going to defeat itself!" yells Josie.
Hope doesn't know what it is, but when she heard Josie's voice all she could think about was getting to her as fast as possible.
It's a strange feeling but she is drawn to Josie. When Hope sits down in the car, Josie smiles at her.
Josie's smile causes butterflies in Hope's stomach that she has never had before, at least never so intensely.
Her thoughts are interrupted again but this time by Lizzie: "Pull yourself together Mikaelson and buckle up already!"
Lizzie sounds slightly annoyed but that's normal so Hope doesn't think anything of it.
During the ride Hope and Josie exchange eye contact from time to time but nothing much happens.
Lizzie watches in the rearview mirror and has to grin slightly as she looks away again and turns on the radio.
Hope is almost asleep by now because it is a very long drive and she is only vaguely aware of what is happening in the car.
She hears how the previously very concentrated Dr. S asks Lizzie again to turn off the radio because they are not here for fun.
"Dad, you don't have to be like that," Lizzie says in an annoyed voice. Josie listens to music the whole way because otherwise she gets sick.
Hope thinks it's kind of cute. But she is way too tired to stay awake any longer so she let her eyes fall shut.
"Okay, we're here," these words jerk Hope out of her sleep. She looks around and there is nothing but forest to see.
Hope sees that everyone but her has already gotten out and follows them. Dr. S, armed with his crossbow, leads the way and the three witches cautiously follow him.
"What kind of monster is it anyway Dad?" asks Lizzie with a bit of fear in her voice.
Dr. S stops for a moment and considers "I don't know that for sure I've been given very little information."
Lizzie is shocked by the answer "How you don't know?" says Lizzie with a slight raise in her voice.
"Don't worry honey a shot in the heart should do it" says Dr. S to reassure his daughter. "Are you sure dad?"
Josie now asks worriedly.
"I think we should trust your father, he knows more about this than we do again" says Hope.
The twins nod and trust Hope and their father.
Ever since they were trapped in that cult, the bond between the three has been almost inseparable.
As the four creep through the forest, there is a sudden rustling behind them.
Hope turns around and is already ready to destroy a monster with a spell, but nothing was there.
When the four turn around again, relieved, the tension is still there.
Suddenly they hear a loud roar almost right next to them but it was already too late for reactions the monster knocks Dr. S far away.
"DAD!" came from both twins almost simultaneously but he doesn't move. Hope and the twins react quickly and stand in front of the fainting Dr. S.
Without hesitation the twins grab Hope's hands to cast a spell. "Quick we have to destroy it!
" Hope shouts. As if the twins know what Hope is up to, they all cast the same spell.
The monster lets out loud screams and then is blown into many pieces.
"That was way too easy," says Hope, "we didn't even have to try hard, something's wrong.
"Be glad we did it, we have to help our dad! "Lizzie is slightly upset that Hope can't accept the victory.
The twins turn to help their father. "He's just unconscious," Josie says with relief.
Lizzie checks her father's body for other injuries, but fortunately finds nothing.
Meanwhile, Hope goes to look at the wreckage of the monster. She doesn't think it's that easy.
She doesn't notice how a small creature climbs up her leg and up and up until it reaches her ear.
Hope feels something slimy on her neck, but it is too late.
Hope's sight goes black...

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