Chapter 3 Mind Control

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It was quiet in the car everyone is thinking about what just happened. These red eyes are all Josie can think about, this blood lust in Hope's eyes, she had never seen the Tribrid like this before, it scares her. And then this suffering in her eyes when they started to flicker. You could see Hope struggling. "Dad...what just happened?" Lizzie asks her father. "I don't know honey but it looked like Hope was possessed by something we just need to figure out what so we can help her." he replies. "But when I talked to Hope she started to get control back I saw it in her eyes she was fighting to help Lizzie." Josie adds to the conversation. "She's right dad I saw it too" Lizzie agrees. "I believe you but when we get back we have to lock Hope up we don't know what she can do in this state. And with possession, the longer a person is possessed, the less control they have. So we have to help Hope quickly" says Dr. S. When they arrive at the school they take the still unconscious Hope out of the trunk and chain her up in the werewolf transformation cells. Dr. S and the twins get all the books that might have something to do with the monster and sit down in front of the cell. No one wanted to risk Hope waking up and breaking out. Actually, only Dr. S. thinks that way Josie and Lizzie are there because they are worried about Hope and want to help. After a while of searching Lizzie finds something. "Hey, I think I found something, check this out. It says that the monster we defeated was just a carrier, the real monster is a mind controller, at least that's what they're called. Mindcontrollers live in the fur of the monster we defeated and look like fat slugs. They enter through the ear and settle there. Making the antidote is easy, the only difficulty is injecting it directly into the ear. But that's not all the mind controller does, it also amplifies the powers of its host so no one can get to the ear easily," Lizzie said. "Let me see, honey," says Dr. S. "We have everything we need to make the antidote, but it will take an hour. Let's hope she's unconscious for that long." Lizzie goes to get the ingredients and Josie gets the necessary equipment. Dr. S guards the cell with his crossbow. When everything is there they start the preparation. The 3 of them are very engrossed in their work when suddenly they notice quiet movements coming from the cell. Everyone stares directly at the cell and sees Hope slowly waking up. Josie rushes directly to the cell and asks cautiously, "Hope? Is that you?" But when the tribrid opens her eyes, Josie's brown worried eyes meet only red murderous ones. Josie backs away, knowing this is not Hope. Dr. S stands protectively in front of his daughter and his crossbow drawn and sharp. "Dad, it's still Hope, put the crossbow down!" commands Lizzie. But her father doesn't budge. "You don't have to be afraid your father doesn't have the courage to pull the trigger anyway." says Hope in a provocative tone. The tribrid has no problem ripping off the chains and casting a spell that turns the crossbow to dust. Everyone is terrified at what Hope can do and this thing amplifies her power as well. The antidote is almost ready they have to buy more time. Josie tries to talk to Hope again as she did the first time. "Hope, please stop, we're just trying to help you, okay?" Lizzie jumps in "I know Mikaelson we didn't get off to the best start but you can't let a monster like that take control now when we finally understand each other." But no response it wasn't like the first time this time Hope just laughs "This won't work a second time Hope can't hear you. You have wasted my time enough I still have things to do." But what the mind controller didn't realize the antidote is now ready and Lizzie has already filled a syringe. Hope melts the iron bars that separate her from the others with a simple hand movement. Without hesitation she grabs the neck of Dr. S and rams him against a wall. Lizzie sees this as her chance and tries to get close enough to Hope's ear but it wasnt that easy. The tribrid casts a spell and lifts Lizzie into the air. Now only Josie remains, but she has no antidote and no magic, but Hope also has no hand free to attack Josie. Josie knows that Hope needs a lot of concentration to maintain the spell Lizzie is holding, so she just needs to distract Hope long enough for Lizzie to use the antidote. Josie walks slowly toward Hope, picking up speed and not stopping until the two are so close they can feel each others breath. "Just give up Salzman you don't have the antidote or the courage to hurt your beloved Hope" says Hope. "I don't need to, and Hope, if you can hear me, forgive me. "With that Josie took the last step that separated them and her lips collided with Hope's. It was what Josie always wanted she thought Hope would push her away, but she kissed her back. Josie didn't expect the kiss to be returned, the moment felt like half an eternity. Josie was right, Hope couldn't hold the spell any longer and she dropped Lizzie, but Hope didn't notice, she was too absorbed in the moment with Josie. Hope's eyes are blue again at this moment. Brown and blue meet, but it doesn't stay that way for long. The kiss only lasted a few seconds but it felt like hours. Josie feels Hope's lips pull away from hers and her eyes meet red . Josie shakes at the sudden red and hungry eyes but they close abruptly and Hope falls to the floor. Lizzie has used those few seconds to inject Hope with the antidote. The twins exchange eye contact for a moment and then look down at the floor at Hope. Dr. S has to recover from the tight grip around his neck. The mind controller monster falls out of Hope's ear and is visibly dead. But Lizzie wants to be sure and steps on the lifeless body. Josie meanwhile takes care of Hope she lifts the tribrid's head and gently strokes her cheek. Josie looks at Lizzie and asks "Can you please help me carry Hope to her room?" Lizzie just nods and lifts Hope's legs.
On the way to Hope's room....

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