Chapter 1

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"Diya Srinivas?",
The lady called. She squirmed in her seat.
She lifted up her arm quickly and the lady nodded in acknowledgement with a light smile.
It was getting real. She was one step away from her dream job at Zilver Tech, the leading tech company in India.

She glanced across the room filled with a few other canditates who shared the same plight. She quickly drank a glass of water and took the file in her hand, ready to run inside as soon as the previous one leaves.

The door opened. All the faces turned to the huge wooden door that opened to a disappointed canditate. She was next. She prayed hard one last time and entered the room, hoping to ace this interview.

Forty nine minutes, it was done..
She opened the door, with a rather unsure mind. Atleast she tried...

She took a cab and went straight home, repeatedly reminding herself not to think about the result. While thinking about the result, ofcourse.

She waited impatiently for  7 long days and  finally, she received an email.
She was finally ready to live her dream...


Hima knocked on the door, clutching the files tightly. Her stomach made a rumbling noise. She breathed in deeply and put on a good smile as she heard a faint "Come in" from inside.

"Sir, the files are ready..", She gazed at him as he looked into the screen.

"Thank you, Hima. Have you had your lunch yet??", he asked, finally looking up.

His fingers tapped the sleek glass table as he went through the file.

"No, Sir. There are a few more things to be done..", She replied.

He nodded in acknowledgement and she turned around to leave the room.

"Has Mr.Jindal called yet??", he asked, as her hand touched the door knob.

"No sir.. Not yet.", She replied, there was a visible disappointment in his face.

"Ok.. Why don't take a break now?
Have your lunch although it's tea time now.", He smiled at her.

She beamed back at him and stepped outside. She closed the door before glancing at the name board in the door again.
Jai Mehra, Chief Marketing Officer.

He looked at the files in frustration.
Why hasn't Jindal called yet? He decided to pick up the phone and call his office.
No.. he didn't want to sound desperate.
He dropped the idea quickly and got up from his chair. He moved to his office balcony, which he considered as the best part of being in this office.

He loved the strong breeze that swept over his face as he opened the glass door and stepped outside. The balcony overlooked the  garden downstairs.

He looked around aimlessly at the little crowd down there, enjoying their tea time.
"Newbies!", He smiled.

He saw them chatter among themselves and laughing out further loud. The new lot always had an energy of their own.
A girl was sitting alone on the bench, sipping her tea.
Her long black hair that was let open was captured by the soft breeze. A beautiful smile lit up her face as she looked into her phone, the most gorgeous smile he has ever seen..
Probably some meme..
Her lips made a small pout as she blowed the air into the tea cup to cool it off.
He was lost for a moment, until the knock on the door pulled him back to his reality.

"Sir, Mr.Jindal called just now. He is ready to sign the deal papers tomorrow..", Hima said, excitement clear on her face.

"Yes!!", He flashed a triumphant smile.


"Thank you, Hima.. You should have your food now. Its way past the lunch time.", She hid the slight blush that crept on her cheek.
She loved how considerate her boss was...

It was his lucky day.


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