Chapter 31

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He squirmed in his seat, not able to think straight. He wanted answers. They were arguing in the background. All he could hear was just sounds. Talking. Words.

He got up from his seat and marched outside, withstanding the calls for him from behind.
He pressed the elevator buttons. The screen shows that it is still in Floor 12. The elevators haven't moved yet. She might have taken the stairs. He rushed to push open to stair well door and quickly dismounted the stairs.

He stopped, freezed in his spot as he heard her crying. Shrill yet quiet weeping. Hot tears streaming down her cheeks as she looked at him. Her vision was clouded by her tears, frustration and deep dejection.

She didn't move.
"Did you do it?", He asked.
Please say No...
Her eyes shot up at him. It was difficult to let it in to her system. Was it all worth it if he couldn't even understand her even to this extent?

"Did you do it, Diya??", He moved closer to her. His voice, much stronger than it was before. Her face, her eyes.. He felt like this was the worst thing he has or will ever see. Worst day ever.
Please say No.

"Of course.. I did.", She said, sarcastically not looking at him, enraged.
He didn't move. It was as if his tongue became rock solid like a brick. His whole body felt the same.

"I should leave...", She stood up, wiping off her tears roughly. It was in vain.

"Why?", He asked. She stopped in her steps.

"Why me? Because I was an easy target?", he asked, his voice almost cracking from the growing heaviness in his chest.

"How dare you accuse me of something like this?? Was there no trust from the beginning?? I believed that we told each other everything..",She said, sniffling between her words.Her face lost all its colour.

"Ohh.. Did we? Did we tell each other Everything?? What about your job offer from Square? Or was it this job that you forgot to tell me about???", He uttered, letting it out.

She was shocked. Shell shocked. She felt stupid, utterly stupid to have let herself appreciate this man, care for this man, who never even trusted her enough. Now she was paying the price.
Maybe her career would also pay the price.

"Because it didn't matter!! I was never going to take that job.. You know what? I am done explaining.. I don't want to. Because you will choose to believe anybody except me...", She said, as a single tear fell down her cheeks.

"Diya....", He let out a sigh, holding her arm tightly. She held onto the envelope in her hand firmly, before swatting his hand away, before pushing him away.

"Normally when people have an argument, they say this was the last thing I expected from you..
Right now.... I would say... This was never ever expected from you, Jai..", She looked close to tears.

"Wait...", he said, in a quiet voice. The eruption in his chest felt evident on his face.

"Bye.. Jai.", She said, not turning back. Or stop.
She walked away, faster and steadier before she could collapse or completely melt into dejection.

It was all a daze. Her scooty was moving at a speed, much more than ever before. She wondered if this would hurt less if it was just a detention letter and not him accusing her...
Tears coursed down her cheeks mercilessly as she got off her scooty and rushed inside her house.

"Why are you so early today?? Looks like they came into their senses and decided to fire you..", Deepak said, laughing ,hoping to annoy her which was his favourite pastime. She didn't say anything, not even a look at him. His expression gave way to concern instantly. This was so unlike her.

"What's wrong??", He got up from the dining table to follow her.

"Nothing..", She replied, before quickly closing her bedroom door and breaking down completely.

"What is it?? Are you crying????", He knocked on her door softly.

"I was just joking.. Chechi. Please don't cry.. Open the door atleast!", He said, knocking more loudly.

"Leave me alone, Deepak!", She shouted, before launching her face into the pillow, crying her eyes out.

She hated it. She hated him. She hated everyone now.

Six hours went by.
Deepak retreated back to the living room, accepting defeat. He messaged Dipika to find out what happened. He instantly regretted making that joke. He knew very well that his sister would never even think of something like this. They were not snakes.

He wondered if it was him who was responsible.
The 'driver' who came to pick her up for the Goa trip. He had seached for Jai's face in the company website, the moment the car took off to the airport. He knew that she was growing fond of this man so much that he prayed this time, nobody breaks her heart.

Deepak called up his mother to get some brownies from the bakery round the corner on her way home.
She loved those.. And chocolate chip cookies as well.

"What happened, Deepu?? Where is your sister?", Suja asked, keeping the packet on the dining table.

"Inside her room...", He said, opening the packet to arrange its contents in a plate while narrating everything he knows as of now to his mother, except her relationship with the CMO of the company.

Suja knocked on her door thrice, before she got a quiet reply from the inside to leave her alone.
"Come downstairs.. Let's have dinner.", she said, before pestering Deepak to go downstairs as well.

"Give her sometime...", She said, sitting at the table waiting patiently for her daughter to come.

After a few minutes, the door to her room upstairs opened and both of them sighed in relief looking at each other.
"Sorry...", she said, making her way down the stairs.

"Wash your hands and come or I am finishing all this by myself..", Deepak said, hoping to cheer her up. She was still wearing the same clothes, just her hair disheleved and eyes puffed up.

"It's all right... You will be fine, Okay??", Suja held her daughter's hand tightly. Her eyes welled up with tears again.

"Stop crying... those brownies are damn good..", Deepak said, hugging her firmly.
She realised that it was true what they say..
Sometimes spending sometime with certain people can be therapeutic. You forget everything else and live that moment.
Her heart became heavy again as she realised that he was one of those people as well...

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Have the nicest day ever!!💖💖💖
You deserve it 🫡

See you next time🫶🏻

Date : 26.7.2022
Read count: 6.86K

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