Chapter Twenty Three

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Story: Broken But Brave
Chapter Twenty Three: Baby's Breath

The following days proved to be pretty busy for Harry and Ginny.

Ginny resigned from Smithson and Co. Madam Lithuvika was very disappointed to let not one, but two of her most efficient employees resign. She openly displayed it, hoping to change the pair's minds. Nevertheless, it did not work.

Iliana got teary eyed when this news reached her ears. Harry and Ginny were two of her best friends and it was no easy task forgetting them. Ginny consoled her by saying that they would meet up soon and have a coffee or something often. Harry immediately nodded his agreement and a dejected Iliana accepted the offer.

Ginny applied for the post of a chaser in The Holyhead Harpies. She received a reply, not two days after her application, stating that they were in need of a reserve chaser and that Ginny might get the chance to play chaser if she were to display exceptional skills against the current chasers. Ginny agreed enthusiastically and Harry was delighted. Harry joined a private detective service by showing his modified auror qualifications which made for the muggle spy qualifications. He had not yet received any case but he was expecting one soon.

Currently, the Potters were sitting nervously on the couch in front of the fireplace in The Grimmauld Place. Ginny's head rested on Harry's shoulder as his hand fondled hers.

"I'm scared," she finally let out.

"So am I."

"What should we do?"

"Wait and watch. . .?" Harry suggested. The pair lived in Grimmauld Place until they could meet up with Ginny's family. The several keys of the Potter Manor were in Ginny's room at The Burrow.

"We need the keys, Harry! How long can we stay here?"

"Let us go then, come on. It's already half past six. The dinner is at seven. It will take a good half an hour for you to get ready-ow!" Ginny had smacked his arm. "What was that for?!"

"Never urge a woman to get dressed, Potter!" she replied and frowned when Harry stuck his tongue out at her. She immediately took out her wand and swirled it stylishly around her fingers as his green, widened eyes followed the movement. "Have you heard from Draco? He said, once, that bat bogeys might be the next Bertie Botts' flavour or rather, Ginny Potter's Everything Bat Bogey's flavor."

"No, thanks," Harry replied quickly. Ginny grinned, kissed his cheek, got up and left the drawing room to get dressed. Harry stared dreamily at her retreating form for some time then got up himself and followed her to get dressed.

Three white wisps of light appeared out of thin air just as the door of the drawing room clicked close.

"Prongs worried needlessly," one of the white light said. It somewhat resembled a wolf. Another white wisp, a huge shaggy dog nodded, it's tongue flopping out.

"If Teddy were to be in such a position, wouldn't you worry, Wolfie?" another wolf like figure asked the previous wolf. This one looked like a she-wolf.

"I would, Dora and you know that."

"Then it is natural of James to worry about Harry," the she-wolf said gently. The other wolf nodded whilst the dog snorted.

"It was mainly Lily-flower who worried. Prongs knows all too well that Potters get their redheads at the end," the dog said. Seemingly, a smirk appeared on it's face.

"You must be serious," the she-wolf said before it's ears lowered and it ducked, placing her silvery paws over her eyes.

"Yes that's because, I am! Of course, I am! I am Sirius, seriously! I swear I'm seriously Sirius!" the dog exclaimed, jumping around on thin air. The other wolf rolled it's eyes. He looked at his mate who looked back at him. They nodded to each other.

"Shut up, Padfoot!" the two wolves shouted. The only noise heard then was the sound of the dog whimpering.


Nearly forty minutes later, the Potters found themselves outdoors. To be precise, walking the sidewalk of The Burrow.

It was Christmas day. The cold breeze and white snow chilled the pair and they gripped on tightly to their winter wear as well as to each other to keep warm.

The soft sound of the footsteps on snow was the only noise heard as they made their way to Harry's most favorite place in the world- the topsy turvy, yet homely, The Burrow. It stood magnificently, each block towering higher and higher. A delicious waft of aroma was in the air, rising from the kitchens. Snow, pure and as white as fresh milk, covered the roofs of the different small rooms piled up on each other. Sharp, crystal icicles hung from the roofs of the lower levels. Christmas decorations were seen on the door including a medium sized paper cut Christmas tree which the Weasley kids had made themselves. The handwriting on it was neat but tiny. Harry recognized it to be Hermione's handwriting.

Off to the side stood the broom shed and the chicken coop. Far east from there was a grove of orange trees - the orchard of The Burrow. Harry smiled as he was reminded of the many times he and Ginny sneaked out to the orchard on Christmas days to get away from the familial crowd. The shuffling beside him made him aware of his surroundings. Ginny smiled at him, looking nervous. They were standing in front of the door of The Burrow. Harry smiled back and gently kissed her before backing away. She rapped her knuckles against the door which opened not a second later and the pair were greeted by an invisible entity. Not a single person stood there to greet them. Confused, Ginny was about to walk forward when she shrieked and backed away into Harry's arms. With wide eyes, Harry looked past the flame of red hair to find a bush of red. A small smile played on his lips as he saw Rose Granger-Weasley, standing in front of them with a bouquet of baby's breath flowers. She was wearing a light pink dress which ended right above her knees.

"Auntie Geegy! Uncle Hawwy!" she exclaimed, holding up her arms along with the bouquet. Ginny sighed with relief before smiling and walking a bit away from Harry. She bent down to face the little girl.

"Rosie, you scared your auntie, you know?" she asked. Rose simply looked on. Harry burst out laughing. Seeing him laugh, Rose started chuckling and the atmosphere was highly contagious that it made Ginny laugh as well. After their laughter calmed down, Ginny led Harry and Rose inside, Rose in Harry's arms. She was madly throwing the flowers, littering the house with it.

"How was the welcome, my dear sis and my only brother-in-law?" came a familiar cheerful voice. Ginny turned around and saw George standing on the steps of the house and leaning against the handrail. Ginny smiled warmly and walked over to greet her brother with a hug.

"George! How have you been?" she asked delightfully as she hugged her tall brother.

"I must ask you the same question. To answer, I have been nitwit, blubber, tweak-ingly brilliant, Ginnykins!" George exclaimed. He then proceeded to place an arm around Harry as he was carrying little Rose. "How about you, gentleman? Heard somethings from Ronniekins here."

"I AM NOT RONNIE-" Ron's voice was heard from upstairs before it got silenced, probably by Hermione.

"I'm fine," Harry said his usual mantra. George raised his eyebrows but said nothing nonetheless.

"Hearty Christmas, you both. I s'ppose you need each other's hearts or maybe you already have them, sweethearts," George teased, winking at Harry. Ginny rolled her eyes. "Come on, let the gentleman lead you inside!"

Ended it here! I hope you liked this chapter. I received only one comment about my previous question so, I shall follow it and continue the book showing their healing process but I shall just write a few more chapters. Longer than that, may audience may get bored. I feel they already are.

Thank you for reading!

Miyoko x

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