Chapter 3

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*Porter's POV*

"Hey Kayden?" I slightly knocked before walking into his room. He was on his bed, scrolling on his phone.

"What's up," He said looking up from his phone.

"Do you remember that group of people, who were wrestling on the beach?" It had been a week since we saw them, but the youngest, the girl who made eye contact with Kayden really stuck out to me.

"Yeah, why?" He asked, clearly bored.

There was silence as I tried to plan on what to say next. The group was gross and musty, they had grit on their skin and they reeked of smoke. A girl that age shouldn't grow up in those conditions.

"Do you remember the youngest girl, the one who was your age?"


"What if we... You know, try to adopt her?" I suggested, the words thick on my tongue.

"Why are you asking me?" He questioned.

"Sorry for asking, but she's your age, you would probably be the most affected," I said defensively. I walked out of the bedroom, closing the door behind me and walked into the living room. "Beck!" I yelled.

"What do you want?!" He yelled at me from downstairs.

"I need to talk to you!" I yelled as I walked downstairs into the dark basement. I turned the light on as I saw Beckett on the couch with a blanket on. He was shielding his eyes from the lights.

"I was sleeping," He grumbled.

"I need your suggestion," I told him. I sat on the back of the couch, towering over Beckett.

"Is it a girl? Cuz I'm not doing that, go get Apollo-"

"No," I cut him off.

"Fine. What is it?" He covered his face with the blanket, twisting onto his side.

"What if we adopted a girl?" I blurted out.

He quickly uncovered his face. "What?"

"No, I'll explain, it was the group at the bea-"

"Dude, we are a house full of guys, you being the oldest, Kayden only being 14, and you want to throw a girl in here?"

"No, just hear me out."

"Whose gunna buy her tampons? Or deal with her ranging hormones? Or go bra shopping with her? You are in a perfectly good position to become a father; we don't need a girl." He finished.

"No, but I was thinking about the girl in the group of the gang. She seemed to be living off the streets, with other guys, I don't think she'll be hormonal, or boy crazy or whatever," I tried to explain.

"Fine, what the hell do I know," He muttered. "It's just your fatherly, "I'm a childrens doctor, I love kids, I love saving lives," thing is taking over," He mocked.

"Shut up, Bucket, I don't save lives, I check kids' throats and give them shots and lollipops," I got up from sitting on the back of the couch and when I got up, a flipped the light couch over so that Beckett dropped onto the floor.

"Mmmmmmgh," He groaned. He'll probably stay there for the rest of the day.

I walked back upstairs to the kitchen where I found Apollo making himself a bowl of cereal. "How about adopting a girl?"

"Absolutely," He smiled. I continued walking without stopping up to Javen's bedroom. I needed everyone's opinion.

"Hey Jay?" I asked, knocking on the closed door.

"Hmm?" I heard low from room.

I opened the door to find Javen with Hunter. "I have an idea, I don't exactly know how it's going to happen but, I was just going to tell you guys that-"

"Skip the fluff," Hunter told me.

"Can we adopt a girl?" I blurted out. Javen just looked at me, one eyebrow raised at me.

"What age?" Hunter asked me, clearly interested.

"Actually, I was thinking about the girl that we saw in that gang from the beach. I was thinking about getting her because it's not a good enviroment for her to be in," I explained.

"Can we not talk about her like she's a pet?" Javen blandly stated. Leave it to quiet boy Javen to state something like that in the middle of a conversation.

"I just don't know how, and I'm at the point where I don't care what the others think," I said.

"Kayden is a maybe, Beckett is a maybe, Apollo yes, you guys?"

"Whatever," Hunter said pulling his phone out and laying on his back. I looked at Javen who had no desire to look at me back. I left after a couple of seconds.

I took a deep breath in as I followed the closed in hallways to find the kitchen and living room unoccupied. I sat down on the living room couch and tried to watch a football game but my mind was on the girl.

Once the third quarter was over I had an idea. I changed into a button down and tie, with a blazer, nice pants, and a nice set of shoes. I styled my hair like I usually style it for work, not just down with a snapback.

"I'm going out, be back in a half hour," I called to the whole house. Someone had to hear it.

I drove down to the police station. I opened the doors to the bland office.

"Is Finnegan here?" I asked the lady at the desk.

"I'll see," She glared up at me, studying me from head to toe. She had her black curly hair pulled into a ponytail and she had her police uniform on. She said some police coded words that I couldn't understand in a walkie talkie that was clipped onto her shirt. We waited a few seconds before she got a response. "Straight back to the last door on the left."

"Thanks," I politly smiled. She glared back, her eyes saying, "Whatever."

I knocked on the door as a slight, "Come in," slipped out from under the door.

I opened the door to see my old pal, Buster Finnegan in his police uniform at his desk. He gave me a hug, and sat me down at his desk.

"So what brings you down here?" He casually asked.

"Do you guys deal with street gangs?" I started to ask.

"Yes," He answered, confusion in his voice.

"Do you deal with adoption?"

"We have a hand in it," He said again, confused. "What are we digging at?"

"At the beach, me and the boys saw this group of misfits, almost like a gang, except they weren't all high and scary and had tattoos, they were just normal kids. There was this one girl, fourteen-ish who really stood out. Like she had a lot of potential, but it just broke my heart because she shouldn't grow up on the streets," I tried to explain. I sounded like a girl, and what kind of embarrassed.

"And you said being a childrens doctor wouldn't effect you," he smirked at me.

"Stop it," We joked.

"I'll see what we can do, and we'll call you when we can do something," He said typing on his computer.


Authors Note Woot Woot

Okay wow, so here it gets into more exciting things. I actually had a lot of trouble coming up with a reason or actually how they would adopt, but I finally sorta figured it out.

This chapter was a lot of dialogue and it got you familiar with the guys.

I hope you are enjoying it, I'm up for feedback!


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