Bibble Orgins

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He was devastated. Everyone he had loved, gone in an instant. Well, not an instant per-say. Their corpses suggested it was quite slow. At least he had killed the carnivorous flower house so that nobody else could be hurt. Since that day, Bibble swore that nobody he loved would get hurt again.

Seven years later, Bibble had made a life for himself. He had no home, but that was okay. There was always somebody he had saved, and if he ever needed anywhere to go, there was always somebody he could trust. However, there was a void in his heart he could not fill. He needed somebody to love, and somebody that loved him. He needed a family. But there were none of his kind that were still alive, they had all been killed in the incident. There was Elina, but they had grown apart. To him, it just seemed like there was nothing left for him, and the only thing that he could be good for was saving others. Despite all the good he had done, there would never be any true love for him. Or, so he thought.

Bibble was returning from a fierce battle against a rogue fairy when he saw a strange creature in the distance. As he approached he could begin to make out their features. They had lilac fur with baby blue spots and large purple eyes. As he made out more details he started to realize that this creature looked like something he remembered. They looked like a member from the Clean Sock clan, the Dirty Sock clan's worst enemy. Bibble remembered this, and was sent into a rage, he charged toward the clean one and raised his sword but... He could not bring himself to harm this one. He realized that it was a child, lost, cold, and confused, just like he was. Bibble lowered his sword. "Child, are you okay?" he said. "You must be so confused. If you would like, I can take you under my care. Though I do understand if you cannot forgive me."

The child stood up. "My name is Boppy." He said. "What is your name?" "Bibble. It is nice to meet you, young one." Bibble then brought Boppy to a small cave he had taken refuge in and started a fire so they could be warm. Bibble's cave had a few simple belongings; a cooking pot, some fur blankets, and some heavier armor. That night, Bibble went out and hunted some of the giant bumblebees for their fur, so that he could make some extra blankets for Boppy. They chatted the rest of the night and started bonding.

It had been three years since Bibble adopted Boppy. Boppy was much healthier than he was before, and was old enough to fend for himself. Bibble had formed a special relationship with Boppy and treated him as his own son. It was strange loving someone he had been taught to hate, but it was still love. Boppy thought of Bibble as more of a mentor. Boppy sometimes was annoyed by Bibble, as he was a bit overprotective of him. Despite that, he still enjoyed the special friendship they had. Bibble had even built a small hut extending from his cave so that they could live more comfortably. They were both happy, and things finally seemed to be going right for Bibble. However, this would not last.

Every child has a rebellious phase, where they go out without permission. Boppy was no exception. One day, he was exploring a nearby forest when he saw something through to trees. A strange creature with fur that looked like his. He saw another flash of color from another area, showing him that there were two of whatever creature. He drew his crossbow, prepared to fight, but what he saw surprised him. From the bushes stepped out two clean ones that looked similar to him. "Boppy!" The first one exclaimed. "We have finally found you, after all these years!" Boppy was taken aback. Who were the clean ones and why were they here? Then the second clean one spoke up. "Do you not remember your own parents, Boppy?" And it all came back to Boppy. These were his parents! Even after all these years, how could he have forgotten his own parents? Boppy ran into their arms. "Mother! Father! I have missed you so much!" That third statement was somewhat a lie, as he did forget about them. After a long embrace, they finally parted. "We have noticed the dirty one you have befriended." Said Boppy's father. "And we have a very, very important job for you." Boppy's mother then spoke. "You may have seen that every other dirty one has disappeared. We are almost victorious, Bobby." "What do you mean?" Asked Boppy. "Bibble is my friend, I could never bring myself to hurt him." His parents frowned. "You wouldn't help your parents to victory? Have you stopped loving us?" "I can't-" Boppy was cut off. "If you love us, Boppy, you will remove this dirty one from this place. Forever." Boppy didn't know what to think. He wanted to help his parents, but he didn't want to hurt Bibble either. Boppy felt like he owed his parents something for forgetting them. Boppy then made a decision he would forever regret.

Boppy had walked back to the hut and felt terrible. His heart was beating fast and his chest hurt. He walked toward Bibble slowly, each step he was carefully considering whether this was worth it. Could he bring himself to kill the one who saved him? The one he had begun to love? Boppy's eyes started to tear up. "Boppy! What is wrong? You were out for a long time, what happened?" Bibble said. Boppy raised his crossbow. "I love you Bibble. I just have more important motives now." "Boppy please! What has gotten into you? This... This is not the time for fighting practice!" Bobby pulled the trigger.

There he was. He was just a pile of baby blue fluff on the ground. Bobby screamed when he realized what he had done. He fell to his knees, right next to the corpse of the one he had loved. Why had he done this? What was the point of this? Where did he go wrong? Everything was falling apart. Boppy ran away from Bibble's corpse, he ran as far away from there as he could. He ran into a dark cave and kept running. The cave was long and deep, it seemed to go on forever. Boppy eventually got tired and collapsed on the ground, crying intensely. Nothing was left to comfort him. He was the one who single-handedly ended an entire clan. He felt like a monster.

He then heard footsteps echo in front of him. He looked up. He saw a single blue eye glowing in the darkness.

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