Chapter 35 - The boyfriend

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Lucie used to go out a lot. She didn't take Aldred with her anymore, she said that she wanted to enjoy the nature all by herself. My sisterly instinct told me that there was something else going on though. And I was right as I soon discovered.

When she wanted to leave one morning, I was looking out of the window where I saw a young boy waiting for her. When she arrived at where he was standing, he took her hand. Lucie looked around one last time, probably checking if I was anywhere near where I could see her, then she smiled towards the boy and they left the courtyard together. She seemed to be relieved that she saw neither Cahir nor me, little did she know that I was able to see her pretty well.

I didn't know whether I wanted to tell Cahir or if I wanted to talk to her beforehand. I decided that I wouldn't want to make her uncomfortable when I asked her in front of him, so I talked to her alone as soon as she came back. If this boy was her boyfriend then I was really happy for her, of course I didn't know him but she seemed to be happy, so I was too. But still I was worried, she was my little sister after all and I was afraid of her getting hurt. But at the same time I didn't want to tell her who she had to be a couple with, I didn't want to be like my father when I told him about Cahir and me.

"So sis..." I started when she was back. She looked at me expectantly. "Who was that boy?" Her eyes widened which made me smile. "I have no idea who you're talking about." She answered. "I told you that I needed some time alone." I shook my head, signalizing that I knew that this wasn't the truth. "Don't lie to me." I told her. "I saw you two. So who was it?" "You didn't see anything because there was nothing to see." I said nothing in response, I just kept looking at her until she gave in and sighed. "His name is Dorian." She said. "And I like him." I smiled widely as I hugged her. "That's so great." I exclaimed.

"Yes, it is." Suddenly we heard another voice say. We turned around to see Cahir entering, clearly not being happy about what he heard. "So when will we meet him?" He asked and Lucie shot him a death glare. "Yes sis... when will we meet him?" I repeated after my husband. "I hope it will be soon." "You don't have to meet him." Lucie tried to convince us to just give up and leave her alone, but we didn't. "Oh we absolutely have to." Cahir said. "That's right. How else should we know that he isn't a asshole who just wants certain things?" Both Cahir and Lucie didn't look pleased as I said that which made me giggle. "So come on, ask him to eat with us this evening. If not today, then tomorrow." "Fuck you both." Lucie said as she went away to invite him to have dinner with us.

Cahir sighed as we were now alone and I told him that everything would be fine and that he probably was a nice boy. "I don't know." He answered. "She's a bit too young to have a boyfriend, don't you think?" "No, actually." I answered. "I'm not that much older than her. And we're married for over a year now. You know what I mean?" He nodded slightly, still not looking happy. "Still... I'm not sure if it's the right thing, I mean... what if he really only wants to... do a certain thing and then he'll leave her and she will be depressed and..." I interrupted him by pecking his lips. "You're really worried, hm?" I asked to which he nodded, looking kind of embarrassed. "You don't have to be just yet. We don't know him at all and everybody is innocent until proven guilty, right?" Cahir sighed again. "You're probably right. But now I think I'll need a kiss to calm down."

Then it was time for dinner. Cecilia didn't join us that evening, we wanted to get to know Dorian alone, so she promised to take care of Aldred and Alice for us so that we could talk without getting interrupted. Dorian was a nice guy, he even brought us some flowers but he didn't talk much. We discovered that he was a bit older than my sister, but the age gap was still fine. He seemed to be nervous, especially when Cahir asked him questions. Lucie also tried answering some questions for him, or at least explain his very short answers.

And that was when we asked him one special question. "You are a Nilfgaardian, right?" Lucie sighed since she already knew the answer. "No. I'm from Vicovaro." Cahir seemed surprised as he immediately shot me a small grin and squeezed my hand under the table. And then they started talking about everything and everyone in Vicovaro.

"I grew up in Darn Dyffra." Cahir explained. This was the keep of his family. On one of our journeys we were able to go there together. Dorian said that he knew exactly where this was and that he always respected his family. They were talking so vividly that they didn't even notice Lucie and me going away to talk alone.

"What do you think of him?" She asked me. She seemed nervous and I was touched by the fact that she wanted to know my honest opinion. "I like him." I said. "He was a bit quiet at the beginning, but then... well, he's nice, really. And when you're happy with him, then I am too. And believe me, Cahir likes him too." "It's only a tad bit annoying that now they're gonna talk about Vicovaro every time they speak to each other." Lucie responded with a sigh. "You're right about that, but they both seem to be pride about their origins." We both giggled and later it was time to call it a night.

As we were getting ready for bed, I wanted to ask Cahir what he thought about the boy. "I have to admit that I didn't like him in the beginning." He explained. "He seemed to be afraid of me, not courageous or anything and I was questioning his intentions. But then..." Oh I knew what he wanted to say next. "When I found out where he was from, I thought that he wasn't that bad after all."

It was so obvious that he only liked Dorian because of the fact that he was from Vicovaro and said that he respected Cahir's family, but his pride was cute at the same time. We were now sitting in bed, I wanted to finish reading a book before going to sleep but of course I still had to tell Cahir something.

"You know, love... it's quite sad that you talk about him like that now. It was sweet how you worried about my sister, kind of hot even." "Oh really?" He asked as his eyes widened and I nodded. "Come here then."

Let's just say I didn't manage to finish my book that night.

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