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rue's narration

VIOLET WASN'T A DEEP THINKER. She often thought of things as black and white. She never got suspicious. She never thought deeper into things. She thought that things were just meant to be.

When Violet was a young girl, she saw her neighbour take his own life, right in front of her. It was shocking, to say the least.

After that, Violet never wanted to do anything. It was like she was just waiting for the days to end, and she was.

At 13, Violet was diagnosed with generalized anxiety disorder and major depressive disorder. She never took meds for depression. For her, depression is just painful, but anxiety is painfully annoying.

For some reason, it was like she didn't care about anything at all. Things life altering, like her dad's death, were just things that she didn't care about.

She didn't care about her life, her safety, her health. She didn't care about anything.

At first, she didn't comply with her meds. But after a trip to the local psych ward, she decided to do it.


"HI, FEZ. HI, FAYE." Violet quietly greets the two, walking towards the chips section. Fez nods to her, "Hi, Vi."

She grabs a bag of Cheetos, moving to the drinks section.

A pretty teenager comes in, and Violet remembers that her name is Lexi.

"Lexi Howard." Fez greets her, and Violet notices the smile on his face. "How you doin'?"

Lexi smiles brightly, leaning back onto the refrigerators behind her, "I'm good, um-"

Faye cuts her off. "Hi, I'm Faye." She slurs.

An insecure look appears in Lexi's eyes. "I'm Lexi. Um, are you guys..?" She trails off.

"Yeah, no. She's just staying with me for a bit. But she's cool, though." Fez answers, a lovesick look on his face.

Violet grins softly at the two teenagers, noticing their obvious infatuation with each other.

"What brings you out here anyway?" Fez asks, eyes half lidded.

Lexi turns to the fridge, "Oh, I just came here to get- a, a drink." Fez looks down, thinking. "Okay, well.. we got plenty of those. Um, do you need help finding anything?"

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