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"IS- IS EVERYTHING GOOD?" Fezco asked, seeing everyone's nervous faces.

"Yeah, before you go, bro, I really gotta- I really gotta talk to you about something." Custer shakes his head, eager to speak to Fez.

The ginger man sighs, leaning on the counter. "Like what, man?"


"Fuck is you talking 'bout, bruh?" Fez asks. Violet and Ashtray share a quick look of confusion.

"Bro." Custer puts his joint on the table. "The fuckin' cops found Mouse's body."

Faye drops the glass she was holding. Violet flinches at the noise. "Sorry!" The girl apologizes, before leaving down to pick up the shards.

"Who's Mouse?" Violet asks, sitting on the couch near Custer. "Custer, who's Mouse?"

"Did you hear what I said?" Custer confirms as Fez goes to lean on the wall next to them. "Yeah, great, just ignore what I asked." Violet murmurs, but Ashtray sends her a look that tells her to be quiet.

"I thought you told me that Laurie killed Mouse. Right? Laurie?" Faye says, putting on her typical slow voice. "Wha- I never said that." Custer laughs, dumbfounded. "What are you talking about?"

"Yeah, you know. Laurie. The drug dealer that lives in the apartment complex off Kemper?" Faye shrugs. "Yeah, you were the one that told me she killed Mouse."

"I never said that." Custer furrows his brows, starting to get frustrated. "Yes you did." His girlfriend pretends to remember.

"What are you talking about? Are you high?" He angrily asks. Violet awkwardly fiddles with the edge of her dress.

"You know that Laurie and those fucking people- they scare me! Why are you trying to protect them!" Faye exclaims.

Custer looks around to everyone in the room. "I'm not fuckin' trying to protect anyone- what the fuck is this!"

"So you're working for Laurie?" Faye asks. "Hey, no! So how about you just shut the fuck up!" Custer yells.

"Okay, then why are you trying to cover up a murder that she committed?"

"All right now. I think it's time for you to get outta here, big fella." Fezco nods. Ashtray stands up, lurking behind Custer.

"Bro, we gotta figure out what the fuck we're gonna say." The man explains. "I'm so fucking confused right now." Violet presses her hand to her face.

𝐓𝐄𝐋𝐄𝐏𝐇𝐎𝐍𝐄𝐒 - ashtrayWhere stories live. Discover now