making memories, winchester style.

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I quickly backed up the stairs, and started kicking at it as it came towards me.

"Dean!" I yelled as I frantically tried to back up the on my hands and feet. "Sam!"

Dean came bursting up from what I assumed was the basement, with sam following close behind him. Dean was holding a sawed off shotgun, while sam was holding a weird-looking knife with runes carved onto it. They both came charging at the creature, Dean looking murderous.

"Get back!" He yelled at me, as he pumped two rounds into it. Sam came up behind him making sure it was dead. "Are you okay?" Dean asked me, as he looked over me for injuries. "It didn't bite you, did it?"

I shrugged him off. "I'm fine, Dean." I said as I brushed myself off.

"Right." He said, as he lowered his eyes, a slight look of hurt in his eyes. "sam, where's bobby?"

"I dunno." Sam said, looking around. "I'll go find him."

Dean left mumbling something about securing the doors, so I stood there, still slightly shaken up about the whole ordeal. I gingerly stepped over the dead fleshers body and walked into the living office, to look for sam. I found sam standing over bobby's motion-less body and rushed over.

"Is he okay?" I asked sam looking at bobby.

"Yeah, I don't think he got bit, thank goodness." Sam said, as he continued to look bobby over for bites and injuries. He didn't look to bad, except for a few minor cuts and bruises. I helped sam get him up on the couch, and then went into the kitchen and grabbed some towels and ice. I went back into the living office where sam sat next to bobby, who was laying on the couch.

"here." I said, handing Sam the ice for bobby. 

"Thanks." He said as he set it on bobby's head and gently shook him trying to wake him up. "bobby, hey, Bobby."

While we were trying to wake Bobby up, I noticed something on his side. I closed my eyes briefly praying it wasn't what I thought it was.  

"hey, um, sam?" I said trying to keep him seeing it. I moved blocking bobby's side from his view. "You guys don't happen to have a first aid kit around here, do you?" 

" Wha-?" He looked up from bobby. "Oh, yeah, hang on." 

As I had hoped he got up in search for the first aid kit. I pulled bobby's shirt up to examine the wound, I felt his body flinch away as I brushed it on accident with his shirt.  I looked to see if he was awake, but he was still out cold. I looked at the unmistakably mark of teeth imprinted in his skin where he was bit.  I gasped, I didn't even know him well at all (or, actually, I don't remember). But he was so good to me and the boys obviously loved him. I couldn't bear the thought of him turning into one of those awful creatures.  I Knew I would have to tell one of the boys sooner or later, I Just didn't want to worry them as much as I think it would. As far as I knew, there wasn't a cure for this,"virus" or whatever it was.  But that definitely wasn't going to stop me from trying to find one.  I was debating the consequences of telling Sam or Dean about the bite, when Sam came back with the first aid kit. I swiftly pulled his shirt back down, hoping that Sam hadn't seen anything. 

"Here" He said handing me the box of supplies. "There should be gauze and medical tape in there." 

"Thanks." I said, looking through it for the things I needed.

I found the bandages and started applying them where they needed.  The wounds were deeper than I had previously thought they were going to be. There were some that looked like they were going to get infected, so I made a mental note to keep an I on them the next couple of days.  

"So." Dean said from the doorway, startling me. "You don't remember me, sam, or bobby. But you remember baby, and how to do all this?" He said, while gesturing to bobby all bandaged up. 

"Um, know." I stuttered while trying to figure out how to explain to him that I, also had no idea how this memory loss thing worked. "I don't know how this works, I'm honestly confused myself." 

"mm, okay." He said nodding. "Thanks, by the way, for bobby." 

I nodded. "Yeah, you're welcome." 

We just stood there, kinda awkwardly, until Sam spoke up from behind me.

"Right, well."  He said breaking the silence. "Dean and I should start reinforcing the house, so something like this doesn't happen again." 

They both went to gather wood planks and other odd and ends, to board up the windows and a couple of the doors. I mostly just kept out of the way, and let them do their thing. I went back up to the room I was currently residing in. I wasn't planning to fall asleep but when I laid down on the bed, I almost instantly fell into the dark void of unconsciousness. 


I woke up to the sound of hammers. I clutched my head from the pain vibrating through it. I Stumbled out of bed, and went to the end of the hallway to the bathroom. Once there, I went through the cabinets, Hoping and praying that they had some aspirin. Eventually I found a bottle, and Opened it up, and popped two of the tiny pills in my mouth. I went back and layed down on the bed, with the pillow on my head, in the hope that I can block out the sound of the ever pounding hammers.  Unfortunately, even with the help of the medication, the pain persisted.  I groaned into the pillow but that also didn't help. I figured just laying here wasn't going to do anything, so I decided to get up and see what all they had so far accomplished with the reinforcements. I got up and opened my squeaky door, and walked down the narrow hallway to the staircase. Once down it, I walked into the main living area with bobby still unconscious on the couch. 

"Dean?" I called, while clutching my head. "Sam?"  

Some of the banging ceased, helping a little. Dean rounded a corner with a hammer in one hand, and a cup of nails in the other. 

"yeah, what's up." He said. "Are you okay?" He said upon seeing me holding my head. 

"yeah, just a headache." I said, letting go. "How goes it?" 

"oh yeah, Sam and I are just finishing up." He said. "We got the back doors boarded up and all the windows."

"we obviously had to keep the front door accessible, but other than that we got most of it done." 

"Anything new with bobby?" I asked, looking over at him. 

"No, nothing yet." Sam said, coming up behind Dean, cleaning off his hands with an old towel. "But I've been keeping an eye on him." 

I nodded my head, not sure what else to do. I went into the kitchen and sat down at the table. I needed to start remembering something about all of this, But I had no clue where to start. 

'might as well start looking through all these books because there's gotta be something somewhere.' I thought to myself.  'I'll start first thing tomorrow.' 

And with that last thought, I fell asleep right at the table. 

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