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I cross the street before I can talk myself out of it

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I cross the street before I can talk myself out of it. As I reach the curb, a giddy excitement races through me, but I try to tamp it down. I have to pay attention so I don't fall on my face. This fog is crazy.

Now that I'm next to the ocean, the fog's swallowing me whole. But I know exactly where I am... I can see the top of a staircase just ahead. Those stairs lead down the cliffside and will drop me off on the beach right next to Ashford Rock.

I step off the sidewalk and onto the top step, my heart racing. A gust of ice-cold wind sweeps over me, whipping my hair into my face, and the moon disappears behind clouds.

Damn, it's dark.

The steps creak beneath my feet as I descend, and I pause, gripping the slightly damp, cracked wooden banister. This staircase is built into the side of the cliff, and I've got a ways to go before I get down to the beach. From this high, I can't see a thing, and all I hear are the crashing waves below. I can't see a bonfire... but that doesn't mean it's not there.

A chill settles deep in my bones, and dread anchors me in place.

Go home. The voice whispers, tempting me.

I glance back up at the streetlamps. I can still turn around. I don't have to go through with this. If I descend a few more steps, I'll be wading through pitch black.

I let out a shaky breath.

I am not afraid of the freakin' dark. But I do hate heights.

I pick up my pace. It's like moving through a cloud, and soon my face, jacket, and hair are covered in a fine, cold mist.

"Go home." A deep voice booms in my head.

Uh, my voice. My voice booms in my head.

I let out a nervous laugh.

"Nope!" The sound of my defiant reply is swallowed up by the roar of the ocean.

The moon suddenly reappears as the clouds drift away.

Thanks, moon.

It's like it wants me to keep going.

So I do.

I race down the rest of the stairs as fast as I can.

Just ahead... I finally see the end of the staircase and the dark, flat sand.

Almost there.

As I rush down the last few steps, the wind picks up something fierce. I'm shivering hard, wet and cold from the fog. My windbreaker's no match for this.

Relief floods me as my tennis shoes finally hit the beach. They sink in a bit, so I take a few steps to reach the firm-packed, wet sand.

My heart's goin' a mile a minute, and I spin in a circle, trying to get my bearings.

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