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Act calm!

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Act calm!

I smooth my expression as best I can, but cold fear is tearing through me now, and I'm not sure I can hide it much longer. "Uh—magic school? As in... magicians? Like... rabbit in a hat?" I force a laugh. "No thanks. I'm not really into that."

Chloe sits up straight and sets the letter down in her lap. "Oh no. Magick with a k. M-A-G-I-C-K. To differentiate it from mere stage magic. That force you felt in the ocean. That golden web? That's magick. Real magick. And you have the ability to use it. But you must receive proper training."

I just stare at her, my stomach roiling. Maybe this is some kind of extended, elaborate trick... Maybe Amanda and Shannon somehow fed me heavy drugs last night, convinced me all this crap happened, and then sent these two, um... actors to round out the prank.

That makes no sense.

Well, none of this makes sense!

Chloe is staring at me, waiting for some response.

"Okay, so... Atlantis Academy." I nod stupidly and dart a glance at Ethan, who's studying something in his hand. It looks kind of like a giant metal compass.

Did he see me grab the shell? It's cutting into my palm, and I'm afraid it's not gonna be sharp enough to do damage to either of these two. 'Cause screw the zip tie plan. I can't let them get me anywhere near their trunk.

"Yes," Chloe says. "Atlantis Academy. You have amazing potential. What you did last night and today with no training... remarkable!" Chloe is looking at me with something like serious admiration in her blue eyes.

"To hold that kind of water magick... and then release it without dying. Astonishing." She's gushing now. "We found you right here, all wrapped up in some kind of bubble. I've never seen anything like it. It was permeable enough to allow oxygen in, but solid enough to keep the ocean out. It saved your life. You saved your life. And at Atlantis Academy, you will learn more... You will learn how to use magick without harming yourself and will be able to reach your full potential."

"A... bubble," I repeat. I was in a bubble? What, like the bubble I imagine when I'm working and feel overwhelmed?

Holy crap, I'm in a coma. That's what this is right now. I'm in a nightmare, a dreamworld. That's how nightmares are, taking little bits and pieces of real life and twisting them into something nonsensical. Somewhere, my body is on life support. Maybe I got hit by a car last night when I decided to cross the road and go to the beach.

Maybe I got knocked out in that bar brawl. Because that's when everything got weird, isn't it? Of course my brain would invent a story about Jason wanting to hang out with me. Pure wish fulfillment right there. These people aren't even real. None of this is real!

My shoulders sag.

Time to wake up, Lyric.

Ethan clears his throat. "Cerberus agents nearby. Five mile radius."

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