before the trip in kyoto

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At the underworld in sirzechs room in the office 

sirzechs; it time to put issei in the wanted list 

rias; don't 

sirzechs; why 

rias; i will tell you everything 

rias told sirzechs about the plan issei made two months ago before everything started about that a khaos brigade member was following him and that issei said that he will join the group so he could end it and that vali never joined in the group in the first place and that issei happen a theory that the owner of the khaos brigade could be  Rizevim Livan Lucifer the owner of the khaos brigade not Ophis. 

sirzech; what why he didn't told us 

rias; i don't know but i know that issei is heading to kyoto

sirzechs; ok then he will go there 

Back with issei, he and Ingvild  get ready with to kyoto to see my friend Yasaka and talk to sirzech 

issei;remember what i told you 

Ingvild; yea, you told me about in the morning 

flash back*

hours ago 

issei; i need to tell you something 

Ingvild; what is it 

issei; well in the truths it that i was never betrayed 

Ingvild; what i need the truth 

issei; i will tell you everything 

issei told everything about that he a spy for khaos brigade because he told everything to rias and that he wants to end the war and he needs Rizevim  Lucifer trusted and who ophis never owned this group 

Ingvild; wow

*Ends flash back*

issei; thank god i told you 


issei; yep now we have to kyoto to meet with a friend

Ingvild;ok lets go 


a hours later at kyoto both issei and Ingvild visit kyoto and it was fun but the reason he was there it because to talk sirzechs and yasake while issei was in kyoto at the underworld sirzech and rias ready to see issei and then they teleport to kyoto

sirzechs; well it time to see issei once again

At kyoto issei was walk to yasake temple and saw her and starts talk to her 

yasake: hello issei how are you 

issei; i am good is sirzech is here 

yasake;  yep he is wait for you in the meeting room 

issei; ok thanks

issei,yasake and Ingvild start walking to the meeting room to see both sirzechs and rias so issei can tell them what was going in the khaos brigade and who was the real leader in the khaos brigade faction.

issei; we know why we are here

sirzech; yep and just time of me to know who controls who

issei; ok but once i tell you you won't be the same person

sirzech; just tell me already

issei; it was Rizevim Livan Lucifer

sirzech; what 

issei; yep and now he is go the war for the Vampire Civil War 

sirzech; what 

issei; yep 

sirzech; alright i am go now to tell the others 

issei; alright i will tell you more about what is going on in the khaos brigade faction.

sirzech; ok 

sirzechs left the meeting room to tell other faction about the  Vampire Civil War. back at the meeting room both issei and rias were talk about what happend to  each other from separating two months ago.

rias; how have you been?

issei; good 

rias; nice well sorry i had to do that

issei; you don't need to be sorry i was the one who started this plan.

issei become a spy in the khaos brigade memberWhere stories live. Discover now