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i'm so sorry to all of you who have read and enjoyed this story, but i'm going to end it here. my motivation for this project fizzled out with my hyperobsession for the show, and i don't see a point in continuing to write something i'm not passionate about. it's not fair to you as readers to force myself to give shitty updates just to drag myself through the conclusion of the story.

that being said, i've recently rediscovered never have i ever. i've grown a lot as a writer since this book, and i'm currently working on a new never have i ever book. it'll be similar to this one in concept, but i'm changing around a few details: the main character will be a champion swimmer instead of a model, and she moves at the beginning of sophomore year rather than having lived in the valley her whole life. i can't promise that i'll stick with this new book, but it would mean a lot if you'd check it out.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 26, 2022 ⏰

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