Doomed back in action

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So it appears that now Val has more or less found herself part of the group. And decides that she more or less likes Danny. The rest of us except me are a little bit unhinged on what Val is doing. Because we don't really know what she's doing. After everything that was going on. We decided that we all needed a well deserved, ghost free weekend.

We had brand new video games, pizza boxes toppling each other for us all to snack on. Mountains of pop, and a bunch of movies. We were gonna be up all night long. This was all waiting for us when we would get back from ice cream and bowling. Which was Jelsa's idea. That's what we call them. It's their ship name.

We decided that taking things easy was a good idea this weekend, but that wouldn't mean that the ghosts would have other plans. I mean didn't they ever get tired of getting their butts kicked? Or Danny worrying about me?! Well I mean so much for a ghost free weekend because while my brother's back was turned I made a clone of me, and Jelsa. 

We three decided to go into the ghost zone and hang out with E, Kit and in the sake of Jack "Josh." Me: E the three of us are coming over. E: So rad P, come on over. Kit and Johnny are already here. Me: Sweet. Oh and we hopefully don't have to worry about Danny or the others because I cloned us. E: P you sly dog. Nice work, we all have to like totally jam out tonight!
Me: Yeah totally. I'm in my room getting ready. E: Oooo a boy's in your room. She joked. Me: Oh hush E I have a boy in my room every night, called sharing a room with my brother. E: I know girl I'm just teasing. Me: Yeah right. You all give the two of us crap all the time about that. E: You know it's true. Me: ? E: Oh don't give me that! Just get over here before the warren finds out. Me: :p K we'll be right there.

She give you all kinds of BS? Jack asked me. Of course she did you know everyone does. Come on then let's go. Not yet I need to change. Good thing I can just snap my fingers. This (outfit 17)and just put my hair in a ponytail. Then we left. When Danny and our friends got home they didn't even realize they had clones instead of the real thing.

Hey, my clone said. The three of us are going to our room to play "Doom." Ok have fun. Danny calls not paying attention, but if he had been he would've known I was a clone because she wouldn't know better not to play Doom. Since that's where Technus was last seen. Uh Danny she just said Doom. As in Farrah wouldn't do that with a villain still captured in there. Tucker commented. 

Danny face palmed, oh well what's done is done, whatever she's really up to isn't my problem, we're gonna go through the fills of ghosts and make sure everyone is where they belong. Then we'll call Farrah back and start our ghost free weekend. Yeah a very long over due deserved break.

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