Flirting with the enemy

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Ok so forget school we were at the mall, I forgot we didn't have school today, but same situation. Tucker and Jack and Sam were all sitting having lunch, even without my powers at the moment Danny still wanted me to help him. Everything was fine until Valerie and Star showed up. So where's your loser boyfriend Danny and his sister Jade? Star asked. Val, and Sam got offended agreeing with each other in sync that Danny wasn't a loser and not Sam's boyfriend, as the two girls glared at each other, probably wondering why they were agreeing with the other.

Yeah, and for your information her name is Farrah, not Jade you're on the squad with her, does anyone really know her name? That's her cheer name, we don't really care about her real name. And if she had a problem with it she'd say something. We're so proud of her though because she's she's super flexible, super talented, super light, and super pretty, but IDK if Brittney would've took her if she wasn't at least pretty, lost bet or not.

Besides if she didn't like something about her aside from her cheer moves even if she was just mimicking us, I have to admit she's got nice moves, but if she wasn't pretty we may not have taken her at all or kept her around so long, or made her a better part of the team after Elsa sadly had to return home. And don't tell her I told you, or you know what feel free, but Jason has a thing for her. He does? Jack asks worried.

Eh hm, oh they would be the cutest, most popular  little couple ever. I told ship it, but of course not as much as the whole school ships the two of you, and Sam and Danny. Here, I'll show you Jason (I think it says Jason by it)Huh he looks a lot like me. (That's because it's what one of the dark versions of Jack looks like) Oh don't be silly Jack, Jason is nothing like you, I think they even may like each other, which is funny because I'm sure we all thought that she had a thing for you Jack.

Say, where are the twins? Not that it's any of your business Valerie, but the twins are busy. Danny in ghost form smacks into the table while fighting Technus. Splattering food accidentally all over Valerie. She goes to reach for her stuff, but remembered that her father took them. In the meantime, I had one of Danny's dad's weapons, to help him fight the ghost. I had been self trained. I wasn't watching where I was going, suddenly both Jack and Jason were trying to help me watch out.

In the end before I could tumble fully to the ground and hurt myself, Jason swooped in and caught me. And Jack wondered how he got to me so fast. It reminded him of someone. Like one of the other immortals, like he was someone's son. Being so surprised, I thought it was Jack that caught me. I started stuttering out Jack's name to realize that it was Jason who had been in front of me, also wondering how he got to me so fast. Oh, Jason I thought you were Jack. This is the first time I've seen you both at the same time.

Its cool bro. In someways Jason was a lot like me, but looked a lot like Jack. Something about him looked familiar, a dark aura swarmed him, but he wasn't evil, but I did want to know who his parents were. And if Jason was his real name or if it was a disguise name, or a middle name. He always had flakes of black sand feeling to him. Which made me wonder if he was an immortal like Jack, and if so who was he?

Technus had a plan to defeat us both once and for all, he warned Danny that his emotions and feelings were his greatest weakness. He knew that, and he saw what happened when they took over. But they weren't his weakness it was actually a strength, which was both a good and bad thing. Too much of a good thing was bad. And it gets people hurt. When you have too much.

By the time Technus leaves Danny is back in his human form. Valerie approaches hoping to find his ghost form, but is surprised to see Danny. After they lovingly smile at each other, Danny and Jack both come and make sure that I was ok, same with Val, and Star. All: Farrah are you ok?! I'm fine you guys, thanks Jason for catching me. No problem, us cheerleaders have to stick together. Right? I just nodded.

Say, have I seen you before? Um bro we go to the same school. No, I mean outside of school, and no offense but you just don't seem like a cheerleader. Neither do I Jack. You lost a bet. You look like you're covered in black dust. How did you get to her so fast? Jackson don't be rude, but I'd like to know the same thing. I was right close to you. Don't be upset with your friend Farrah, he's just looking out for you.

I hear the school thinks that you both would make a great couple. Him, and me? No,no he's more like a brother really. We agreed to just be friends. Right Jack? Huh? I mean yeah right. We did. Besides we don't like each other that way anyway. Well then would you consider going out with me then, once we get to know each other better outside of cheer? I'll think about it. But like you said we should get to know the real us better before going out. 

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