Chapter 1

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The sound of water flow, clicking of gadgets and the dishes clacking against each other surrounded the multiple corner of the house.

Jisung is currently washing his hands with soap while looking at sungchan who had its eyes focus on his phone eversince he got home.

The younger was staring at his lover with sad eyes because he has been asking for attention at the brunette but the latter doesn't seem to have the plan of having it.

Don't get him wrong, he knows that the older is a busy person because of his work but is it too much for him to ask for a little bit of time to bond with his lover?

He just wish for the older to give focus on him even just for a while.

"What is he looking there? Is it more interesting than his own boyfriend?" he ask with his lips pouted

Jisung has been asking himself of what the things he has been missing because of the lack of focus his other half had these past few months.

It's like the few seconds of sungchan sparing a glance on him feels like the whole day because of how rare it is.

"Are you seeing someone now?"

A single tear roll in the younger's eyes as he took the food bowls on the cabinet and quickly wipe it while scooping the rice on the cooker.

He walk towards his other half while carrying the food bowls that had their meal on it.

Sungchan turn its attention to him as he heard the sound of the fragile bowls served in front of him.

"Thank you jisung." the older said with a little smile

The younger smiled at him toothless before nodding "Let's eat, sungchan.." he said looking down because the said male had its focus on his phone again

They started to eat peacefully as only the sound of the utensils will be heard, jisung taking a glance occasionally on his sungchan while the latter were busy munching on his food.

Jisung sighed deeply before he decided to break the silence "How's work?" he ask trying not to sound awkward

The older take a glance on him then diverted its attention back to the meal "The same.." sungchan answered plainly

"Is it that exhausting? You always look tired." the younger commented

Sungchan chuckle then nods "Yep.."

"We should unwind sometime! It's been a long time since we had our alone time together.." jisung suggested trying to sound cheerful but deep inside he knew he isn't happy

The older smiled "I would love to, but I'm sorry jisung I would be very busy these upcoming days... Don't worry, i'll make it up to you when I get free."

"Since when you were free?" he mentally ask but he manage to show a bright smile on his lover "Sure, I'll be looking forward to it! But how?"

"Depends on you, anything will do for me.."

Despite the brunette answering his questions, jisung still felt like its attention isn't fully on him.

He wanted to complain about it but he doesn't felt like he doesn't have the right to do so.


It is already midnight on the clock yet jisung is still wide awake while staring at his lover who's back is facing him.

Sungchan is very near to him yet it still felt so far, earlier before they sleep he badly wanted for the older to hold him like before but the brunette already had his eyes close when his body meet the bed.

"Is it too much too for me to ask just a bit of your attention?" the younger ask as he reach out for the older's back trying to touch it like he was holding a delicate glass "Or does someone is already taking you away from me?"

He felt his heart clench on the thought of the older falling out of love for him hence the lack of its focus were either just being tired or someone is already taking its focus away from him.

Jisung decided to closes his eyes forcefully with the hopes of falling asleep and to temporarily forget the pain he is having in his heart right now.

To be continue...

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