Chapter 1

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Today is a bright and sunny day outside so I decided to go over to my friend's, Savannah, house and go tubing. It was about 7:30 in the morning and I'm already half way to Savannah's house. I get to the door but only to see that, I guess she knew I was coming, she is heading straight to me. "Savannah, hey," I say as she opens the door. "How'd you know I was coming?"
"Life 360," she says with a little laugh.
I trust my friends with my location. "Since I'm here, why don't we ask Larkin and Presley to come over so it'll be more fun when we go tubing?" I say hoping to get a yes.
Looking down at her phone she replies,"looks like they had the same idea." I look to see that they were on their way to her house too.
"Let's go get the boat ready so when they get here when can head off and have some fun." I so can't wait for this. Today is the third day of summer and we are already going out on the lake.
It has been over an hour and Presley and Larkin are here and came to help us load the boat into the water. "What tubes are we riding? Ooh and can we double tube?" Presley asks as she helps get everything loaded onto the boat.
"I was thinking a belly tube and sure we can double tube," Savannah answers.
" Alright then, Jillian you're riding with me," Presley demands.
"Ok. Hey guys could y'all push the boat a little to the right? It's shifting too much," I say trying to start the boat. I'm trying to back the boat out into the water towards the dock so we can get going.
Me, Pres, Larkin, and Savannah are all on tubes now. Savannah and Larkin are on the same tube if you couldn't tell. Savannah's dad is driving while Reece, her brother, is sitting down next to their mom on the boat. As we start to go, Pres and I had made our own plan on how to hold on, when to switch handles, and how to get Savannah and Larkin thrown off their tube. "We are going to win this challenge!" I scream to them as we tube.
"Not a chance!" Larkin yells back as we are about to hit a wave. "Hold on!"
As we hit the wave Presley and I go flying but still hold onto the tube. As soon as we hit the water I hang off the side with my legs in the water. "Help me Pres or we are gonna loose the challenge!"
"I got you don't worry," she says pulling me back on the tube. I look over and see that Savannah and Larkin are still on their tube.
"We've gotta get them off," I say.
"Let's do it," Presley agrees. The boat starts doing a donut, when the boat starts to go in a circle, and we get out of the wake and onto the side that Larkin and Savannah are on. "Now!" Presley shouts as we ram as hard as we can into them. Larkin almost falls off but Savannah catches her before she does.
"Lucky! But just wait we will win this!" I shout at them as we slide back into the wake.
"Still no chance!" Larkin screams back at me as she joins us.
After we had tubed for about five minutes all of us realize that there is a gigantic wave coming straight at us. "Oh no!" We all say scared to death. Savannah's dad decides to do another donut to fling us into the wave. We hit it and we go so high in the sky I did a double backflip and I see everyone else fly off their tubes. We all swim to meet each other as we watch the boat turn around to come get us.
"Well, looks like nobody wins this one," Larkin says as we all laugh.
"Did y'all see me do that double backflip!?" I say so happy because I've never done that before.
"Yep, you kicked me in the middle of it," Presley says as she's holding her arm.
" Oops my bad, sorry," I give her a hug. "How about you Savannah you okay?"
" Yeah I'm all good. All I could hear was the sound of y'all splashing," she laughed as she said that, so did the rest of us.
It's around lunch time so we head back to the house to eat hotdogs, yummy right?
"Today is already fun for me," I say as I grab my hotdog and place it on my bun.
"I had fun too," Larkin agrees. She's already heading to the table outside. We wanted to eat outside today since it was hot and there were no clouds to be seen.
"Oh yeah me three!" Presley shouts from the table while she's shoving a hotdog in her mouth.
"Me four," Savannah says right behind me.
After lunch we talk for about thirty minutes, because you know we have to wait a little before swimming. Once the thirty minutes is up we head and jump in the pool. Pres jumps onto the pizza floaty as I "accidentally" do a belly flop into the water. The other two decide to just jump in like normal people. And of course Reece joins us because he has nothing else to do.
"Let's play catagories!" I shout to everyone in the pool. That's my favorite pool game ever to play.
"Yeah!" Everyone wants too.
"One, two, three, nose goes," I say touching my nose because I do not want to be it. I may be a good swimmer but I'd rather be swimming from pool wall to pool wall instead of jumping in.
Presley is the last one to touch her nose. "I don't want to be it," she complains.
" Well you were the last one to touch your nose so quit being a baby and deal with it. Now go be whatever you call the person who tags people," I say swimming to the pool side where everyone else is.
We play catagories for a little then go back on the lake but this time we were able to fit three people on one tube so Reece rides with me and Savannah. The boat starts going and I'm already about to fall off because Savannah is pushing Reece onto me.
"Oh no, here comes a big wave!" I shout trying to change my grip so I don't fly off the tube. The wave hits us and our whole tube flips and I land on top of Reece who smacks Savannah in the face.
"Really Reece!?" She looks angry at him.
"Sorry it was an accident. Jillian landed on me and I didn't know what else to do. I was trying to grab something and it turned out to be your face." Reece says as I try to hide my laugh. I'm so hurt on my side but I don't care because it was worth it.
It is after dinner and we had finished tubing for the day so I hopped in the shower because I can't go to bed with my hair having lake water in it. After I get out it was Larkin's turn." I may have taken the rest of the hot water, there wasn't very much left because we are the last two to take a shower, so sorry," I say as she goes into the bathroom and takes her shower.
After she finishes we all decide to watch movie, Avengers Endgame, we let Larkin choose, and then after we all fall asleep in our places.
We decided to have a two night sleepover since Savannah was the only one with a lake in her backyard.

Hey guys it's the auther here, Jillian, just wanted to say sorry if y'all find any mistakes I tried to look for them this is the best I did. I hope I get some views because this is kinda my dream summer. Also if I don't write for a little it's because I'm busy with something. Love anyone who reads this story❤️❤️

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