How To Hate (Lil Wayne Fan Fic)

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*Desiree's P.O.V*


I stumbled a little and just started laughing. She looks so blurry. I wave my hands in front of me.


But this time it actually hit me I'm moving in with my no good father. The man who got my mom pregnant and left to pursue his career. The man who left away from the public. The one who probably doesn't even know my name whens my birthday or how old I am. The man that I learned how to hate from.

"Girl you betta get ya ass up and go pack cuzz you have a plane to catch in 2 hours " my mom said leaving me alone to pack. You know what fuck this she don't want me here and I don't wanna be here, but I rather be here than with DWayne.

"MOM YOUR PLAYING AROUND RIGHT!!!!!! " I call out. She peeked her head from the stairs balcony and looked at her wrist "1 hour and 45 minutes left"

My jaw dropped and I just started packing.


I put on my Ray Bans and walked out of the plane, and looked around. Who the fuck is supposed to pick me up anyways. Someone tapped my shoulder. I quickly turn around whipping whoever it was with my hair. "Desiree Carter?" the woman asked. "Who's asking?" I asked "DWayne Carter ma'am" She responded. "Yea that's me." I said while following her. She helped me with my bags as I got in the limo.

"I've heard good things about you Miss Desiree" She said. I just nod and continue to look out the window. "You look like your father a lil" she continued. "Well I am his offspring"

She pulled the car over and all I can say is.... OH MY GOD!!!

*Wayne's POV*

"Girl stop playing" I said grabbing Dhea by the waist. "D ain't nobody playing with you, we ain't having sex and that's it." she said. I let go of her "Forget you then" I said looking through my phone. Missed call from BabyMama1. I shook my head and called back.

"Nice to see you finally call back Dwayne" she said. "Mane come on I don't have time for this. what you want Corrine." I said getting annoyed. "Your daughter should be landing in New Orleans in about 10 minutes" I looked at the phone like it just slapped me. "Corrine its the middle of October and you sending that girl over here." I said "That girl is your daughter and you needa put her in check" she said. "Man whatever" I hung up.

"CATHERINE GO PICK UP MY DAUGHTER FROM THE AIRPORT!!!" I yelled. "You have a daughter...?" Dhea asked. "Is there a problem?" I snapped. She shook her head and I just closed my eyes. I hope this girl ain't ghetto with weave tracks sticking out her head talking bout she has 6 babydaddies.


I went downstairs and opened the door to see Catherine with bags in her hand and this pretty girl behind her. This can't be my seed. I made room for them to walk in. I nodded at Catherine telling her she's dismissed. The girl took off her shades and I saw Me and Catherine all in her. "Sooo...." I said rubbing the back of my neck. This Is an awkward moment. "Listen this don't gotta be awkward I'm Desiree your unknown daughter my birthdays on new years day Im turning 16 and my favorite color is blue" she said. Wow she's very blunt.

"Well Desiree since it's the middle of October imma hook you up in a performing arts school and follow me lemme show you your room" I said while grabbing her bags. I walked her into her room and she looked around. "Ayeee this shit is dope as fuck" her New York accent was coming out. She covered her mouth. "Oh my bad I curse a lot." She said. I nod my head. I felt someone snake their arms around my waist.

*Desiree's POV*

I took a look around the room My bed had pillow pets on it. Yasss I love pillow pets and there's a panda one its over for. There's an apple laptop and computer with an iHome for my iPhone. There was a big ass flatscreen on the wall. The walls were baby blue and purple. I turned to see lil Wayn- I mean my dad swapping spit with some chick.

I clear my throat. They quickly pull away. "Oh my bad Desiree this is Dhea my girl Dhea this is Desiree my daughter" he sounded very confident for that last part. I looked at dheada or whatever her name was. She wasn't ugly but she wasn't all that pretty either. She looked me up and down while rolling her eyes. I look behind me to make sure she was looking at me. Yup she was.

Dad elbowed her in the rib. She flinched. "Sorry Nice to meet you Dessert." She said.

Oh I know damn well this heffa didn't just call me dessert. I shrug it off for NOW!. "Its Desiree" I corrected not shaking her hand and rolling my eyes. "Oh I'm sorry Desires" She said. "BITCH ITS DESIREE ARE YOU DEAF OR FUCKING RETARDED!!!" I yelled reaching my breaking point.

She looked at my dad and he came over to me. "Calm down Desiree here's 50 dollars walk around town see if you can make some friends". I nod, take the Money and give him a small hug. I made sure I bumped into dheadra before I left.

*Wayne's POV*

I made sure Desiree was out of the house before I blew up. "THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU DHEA!!" she flinched at my tone. "What..." she asked with a shrug. "Yo Dhea I'm giving it all my strength not to pop on you right now but when MY DAUGHTER comes back you finna apologize and I don't give a Fuck. I said. She rolled her eyes and left the room.

Bitches be trippin these days.

*Desiree's POV*

I walked around the neighborhood and just looked around. I noticed there was a pizza shop next to a park with a lot of people my age in so I walked in. Plus I'm mad hungry for no reason. I walked in and everyone got silent.

Well damn I know I'm pretty but no need to stare. I walked up to the counter and ordered 2 Bacon slices. I love me some Bacon. I turn around to see a group of girls looking at me. "Yo the fuck y'all staring at, is there a problem." I asked. They shook their head. "Oh." I said then turned to pay for my food.

"That will be $4.00" I nodded about to get my money out when someone paid for my food. I look up at him. Hmmm he's one of those niggas from mindless behavior. He has a small fro with a blonde patch on it.


"Wassup ma. What's ya name." he asked. If this is how boys get they girls out here.... I have no comment. I smile "Desiree." He nodded and licked his lips. I drank some of my water.

"The names Prodigy as in I'm the best at everything and you deserve the best." I choked a little on my water. Once I got all the water down I got up pat his head and walked out. "Poor boy." I mumbled to myself as I started to walk home.

"Aye wait!!!" someone yelled behind me. I turn around. It's another Mindless freak. I think this ones Rock Royal. "Yerp?" I ask. "Yeahh don't mind my friend Prodigy he's uhhh a lil lost up here." he said pointing to his head. I giggle a little. "So may I ask what your beautiful name is."

At least this nigga no how to talk to a girl. "My names D-" I started but got cut off by one of the girls who were staring at me earlier. "Roccy Pooh when you finna take me home my parents aren't home."

He looked at her then at me. "There's your answer pretty boy." I walked home and walked into the house. ""Wassup Babygirl had fun.?" My dad ask. I can't lie I kinda smiled a little at the nickname.

"Yeaa the neighborhood's good I met 2 people" I said while sitting on the couch next to him. "What's they names?" he asked. "Uhhh Prodigy and Rock royal" I said. He shook his head.

"Prodigy is cool but Don't hang around Rock Royal." he said. "Why?" I questioned he seemed cool. "He's the man whore of the neighborhood ask any girl and I bet they'll say he's been in they pants." I scrunch up my face at the thought.

"Exactly. Well you have school tomorrow so get ready for bed." I nod and walk upstairs.

Maybe staying here wont be so bad after all.




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