dealing with the consequences

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Everything after that was a blur. My dad rushed Ethan to hospital and I was left sitting in the backseat of my moms car beside Naomi. You could cut the tension with a knife.

We sat in absolute silence as my mom drove down the highway to the hospital. My mind was spinning of all the possibilities that could be happening to Ethan. I'd never seen him faint before and I was terrified that it was something more serious. We came into this world together; we need to leave this world together.

I felt someone poke at my hand and looking down I saw Naomi grip my hand squeezing it gently. When we made eye contact I saw her message clear as day; he's going to be okay.

We walked into the hospital hand in hand as my mom went ahead into Ethan's room to check up on him. I felt so guilty. How could I have spent the past few days ignoring him and now he could be on his deathbed? Life was way too short to be acting so reckless.

"I've never seen him faint before," my voice was hoarse like I'd never spoken a word before.

"He's going to be okay." Naomi paused squeezing my hand again as we sat down next to each other on the hard metal seats. "It's probably nothing."

I couldn't help it. I googled all the different causes of fainting and it made me feel even more sick; brain tumor, heart issues. The list was never ending. He has to be okay.

"When did you and Mason get together?" Naomi asked, surprisingly I was thankful for the question. Anything to take my mind off of what was going on in Ethan's room.

"We worked in the Rec centre together and then we just spent more and more time together. He's actually a really nice guy when you get to know him."

Naomi smiled. Like really smiled so bright "that's good Ella. You really needed him."

I did. I smiled back at her. "I'm sorry for being so silly over the whole thing. It's just you're my best friend and I didn't want to lose you."

"You were never going to lose me Els. I'll always be your best friend, I just couldn't help who I fell for."

"I know."

We sat in silence after that. Our hands still clutching like we were each others lifelines, she was a warm comfort in the cold eerie hospital that we were sitting in. I didn't get how my mom could stomach being here all the time.

The door to Ethan's room swung open and my mom and dad stood there, for once not arguing.

"You can come in now."

Naomi and I shared a look but I gestured her to go first. It was still sickeningly tense between Ethan and I and knowing that he was okay means I could put it off for as long as possible. Naomi nodded and entered the room shutting the door with a small click afterwards.

"What's wrong with him?"

"He has a heart condition." My mom broke the silence after her and my dad shared a look. "It's serious enough that he won't be able to play football professionally."

Ethan's going to be devastated. He lived and breathed football. Tears welled in my eyes at the thought. I never cared for football but I do care for my brother, god knows what he would do now.

My parents sat on either side of me as we all sat in silence taking in the information. Our hearts equally broken for Ethan and his future.

After a while, his door opened again and Naomi slipped out apologising. "I've gotta go. My moms outside."

My mom nodded pulling Naomi into a quick hug before releasing her. The door to Ethan's room beckoned me inside, to face the demon. He would be so angry over his loss I didn't know if he would even want to see me. If I would just be a slap in the face reminder of his worst enemy.

But I would never know if I didn't try. So with a deep breath I stood wiping my sweaty palms on my jeans before walking into his room.

It was deathly silent. Ethan was sat upright on his bed staring at the wall blankly. He looked devastated.

"Hey." I sat down on the chair beside his bed adjusting myself so I felt somewhat comfy. My hands were tucked under my thighs to hide how shaky they were.

"Hey." He responded looking me over "why are you so nervous Els? It was me who nearly had a heart attack not you."

My lip quivered, I'd never felt so grateful to hear his voice in my life. He was alive and he was going to be okay.

"Don't cry Ella." Ethan sighed begrudgingly holding his arms up for me to curl into which I quickly did. My tears soaked his chest as I sobbed and sobbed.

"It's okay. I'm okay." He said soothingly into my ear. There he was, my big brother who I could always rely on making me feel better. Making me feel whole again. My twin.

"I thought you were going to die." I tried my hardest not to wail as he gulped from above me.

"So did I."

And then we were both crying together. Every petty argument about Naomi and Mason forgotten about as we lay there holding each other tight.


Hi.... I'm so sorry about the lack of updates this year, and how short this update is. But simply put i went through a lot this year and didn't have much motivation to write. I'm going to try to tie this story up and give you guys an ending.

Thank you all so much for sticking by this book and still getting the reads up even when I wasn't updating. I really appreciate it.

I'm not going to promise when my next update is but most likely next month? Sorry I know it's late but I've got a lot going on this month and i won't find any time to update unfortunately.

Thank you again and I hope you enjoyed! :)

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 13, 2023 ⏰

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