odd one out

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Dinner at my dads has always been awkward. My parents split up when I was three so I've never really known anything different. My parents do not get along which is also why at the dinner we had with my mom three nights ago she gave us gifts; I got a new Micheal Kors bracelet while Ethan got a chain necklace he'd been wanting for a while.

"Dinner is ready!" Gerta the maid announces walking into the living room where we'd all been sitting. My dad had introduced us to Anastasia, his girlfriend, before starting to chat about football.

To my dismay when we enter the dining room I find that the dinner is very protein-based which I could expect from a footballer dad but still. I'm sure I told him last time I saw him that I'm a vegetarian now.

"Are there any vegetarian options Gerta?" I ask quietly whilst everyone else helps themselves to the food, she frowns shaking her head at me with a quiet apology before leaving. Looks like my dinner is going to be potatoes and carrots.

"So son, the game this weekend is against the Tigers right?"

So that's why my dad's back home. He couldn't miss his son's first game of the season.

"Yeah, I don't think they stand a chance," Ethan says cockily which makes me want the Tigers to win. He probably does have a point, most of the boys on our team have been groomed from young boys to be star athletes.

"When is your first game against the Eagles?"

"The championship in November. I think it's being held at West Coast."

A smirk forms on my dad's face "That's perfect because recruiters will be there looking for you. I've already had several contact me over the summer."

My dad has taken it upon himself to be Ethan's manager, he acted similarly to Greyson until he got a manager when he was recruited professionally.

"Is that the homecoming game?" I ask drawing their attention for the first time, I think they always hate it whenever I interrupt their football talk.

"No," Ethan rolls his eyes "Homecoming is in October doofus."

Licking my teeth I hold in a retort, my dad doesn't like it when anyone doesn't have their head up Ethan's ass.

"Will Greyson be there?"

My dad nods his head "He promised he would. I'm sure West Coast has invited him back as well."

Anastasia looks over at me "Do you like football as well Ella?"

I open my mouth to respond but my dad beats me too it "Of course she does, she's a Stone. You're looking at West Coast University's next sports superstars."

He must be on crack if he thinks I'm ever going to become a sports superstar, I can barely run the mile. Ethan has a cocky look on his face because he knows that statement is true for him. If we weren't twins I would be sure that I was adopted.

The conversation returned to football and I just picked at my food, there was very little I could say to contribute to the conversation without sounding like an idiot. The only good thing I heard was that Greyson would be coming for the Championship game which I'm now excited for.

Greyson is my favorite brother. He's the only person in my family who seems to care about what I'm doing. My mom wants me to study medicine, she's always saying that I have the grades to do so and my dad doesn't care unless it's sports-related. I just wish I could see Grey more often, it's only ever Christmas and Thanksgiving I see him now.

"It was nice to see dad again wasn't it?" Ethan breaks the awkward silence as he drives us home, a rap song is playing quietly from the speakers.

"Yeah, I guess." I pick at my nail polish "He's never really around anymore though after he met Anastasia."

"He's going to ask her to marry him," Ethan revealed, my eyes nearly pop out of my skull in shock.

"WHAT?" I splutter "How do you know that?"

"He sent the ring onto his group chat with Grey and me." He says nonchalantly as if I should already know that there's a group chat without me in it. My heart pangs in hurt as I take in his words I already know that I'm not my dad's favorite but it would've been nice for him to at least tell me.

"Oh right. When's he planning on proposing?"

"Sometime soon. He said he might just do it spontaneously."

"I'm sure they'll be very happy together."

Anastasia seems like a jersey chaser, which is something my dad likes. My mom was never like that as she was way more focused on her career than her family. Well both my parents are to be honest. They met in high school and dated through college, had Greyson, had us and then split. I know my mom had a boyfriend briefly but I've blocked out any memories from that time.

We pull up outside our house going our separate ways. When I pull open my laptop I see that I've got a missed facetime from Lia, Greyson's girlfriend.

Quickly I call her back knowing that the time zones mean she might not pick up.

"Hey, Ella." Her bright New Jersey accent makes me happy almost instantly. If there was someone who got me it was Lia.

"How's New Jersey?" I ask sitting down on my bed with my Macbook across from me.

She looks away from the camera sadly "It's very wet. How's California?"

"Hot." I grin cheekily when she lets out a groan of despair "Bet you're regretting leaving now?"

"Tell me about it, Millie sends me photos of everyone at the beach almost every day and it's killing me! But I've got some good news well what I think is good news."

"Tell me!" I exclaim happily clapping my hands together, she smiles brightly at me taking a sip of her coffee dragging out the suspense for as long as possible. "Tell me Lia!"

"I'm going to fly out for Thanksgiving!" She announces making me let out a squeal of happiness, I've missed her so much! "But don't tell anyone cause I want it to be a surprise for Grey as well."

"He doesn't know?"

She shakes her head "I'm going to surprise him at his flat so I'll be meeting him first and then we'll come to meet you guys for Thanksgiving and the game."

I try to calculate the timescale in my head when realisation dawns on me "I'm sure that'll be the Championship game."

"Exciting stuff." She says dryly, that's why I love Lia. She doesn't give a fuck about football which makes her the best person in my eyes and because she's just not sporty.

"Well," She let's out a yawn "I need to get started with my essay that's due in about five hours so I'll catch you later?"

"I'll talk to you later, bye Lia."


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