《2》I hate you

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The bell rang for break time and everyone stands up and immediately leaves the room. So noisy and disturbing I'll just stay in here where no one will disturb me.

I lay on my desk facing the window as the sun hits my face feeling warmness glaze on my pale skin. I shut my eyes while listening to music through my earphones. I wish I could stay like this forever.

I thought everyone had left but as I lift my head up , Mr. Park is sitting on the seat infront of my desk facing towards me and just- staring at me-

I take my earphones out my ears and sit up straight away , why is he kinda creeping me out. I fix my hair and look at him with a "what the hell are you looking at" look but he just smiles and shakes his head.

"You good?" I say with a disgust look

"Y/n...I wanted to have discussion with you" he says while tilting his head.

"Well I'm here right now so...speak." I say and leans foward to my desk making me back up a bit.

"I would like to have a chat with you after school, that wouldn't be a problem right?" He says smiling , gosh so creepy could he stop smiling for one second.

"Uh okay whatever , just stop smiling like a creep for a sec-" I say and he starts laughing and stands up.

"Okay enjoy your break" he says patting my head before leaving the classroom-

Did he just- pat my head? I mean he did bur it was so sudden I didn't get to react. Weirdo I hope he doesn't think I'm getting nice because I will not be afraid to cause trouble.

After school
Time flies by and school ended until I got an unknown message

Come down to the courts right now or else we'll show up to your house.

For fucks sake why am I always being hassled, I don't want them to show up at my house or my mum will just nag at me for making trouble on my first day back.

I head down the courts and there she is , I knew it would be her and her gang of dogs. Hye-eon stands in the middle of the basketball courts with a tennis racket in her hand. I walk down and stand infront of her , not phased at all. If this bitch wants to fight I'll tear her apart and feed her to her ugly dogs.

"Are you the one who messaged me?" I say holding my phone up infront of her face showing her the message.

"Duh , anyways I want you to know that I didn't forget what you did last year in fact, how could you even show your face back here? Do you have no shame?" Hye-eon says while circling around me.

"I don't care what you have to say, I'm here to tell you to get over yourself , what happened last year was a misunderstanding." I say and she stands infront of me and scoffs.

"A misunderstanding? You were my bestfriend, you obviously planned all of it. I hate you I wish you would just end yourself. Stop living and stop being a burden to others. Just- stop being selfish and give up. No one likes you y/n so no point in sticking around anymore." She says almost crying and her pack of dogs stand around her looking at me with death glares.

"You say the same thing everytime...I said it before and I'll say it again. I had no idea that he was- " I sigh and shake my head.

"I'm sick of doing this over and over again with you, hye-eon just leave me alone." I say about to walk away from her , suddenly she reaches for me a throws me to the ground.

"There you go again, acting like you're all that. I'm going to destroy every bit of confidence in you and tear you into pieces. Please for the sake of all of us.... JUST GO AWAY" hye-eon says raising the tennis racket above my face. I can't tell you I wasn't scared because I really was. I didn't think she would do this.

I raise my hand above my face for protection and all of a sudden someone whacks the racket out of her hand. I look behind me and it was....

"Mr. Park?" I say and hye-eon steps back grabbing her bag.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING HYE-EON?!?0" Mr. Park yells at her. Hye-eon and her gang ran away and didn't answer him.

Mr. Park was about to chase him until I stopped him and tugged him on his pants. He looks down at me and sighs , he looked so mad. He helped me stand up and dusted the dirt and dust off my clothes.

"Thanks..." I say in the silence between us. Honestly trying to hold my tears. All this fighting with hye-eon really affects me. I thought if I'd be brave and ignore her it would all go away... but her hatred towards me will never end.

"Come on , let's go to nurses office." Mr. Park says grabbing my arm and leading me.

I didn't say anything...there was nothing wrong with me and honestly I don't know why I didn't stop him. But apart of me just liked how someone cared and helped me. I hadn't felt that in a long time.

We arrived at the nurses office. There was no nurse because school hours are over so I waited sitting on the bed waiting for Mr. Park as he searches the cabinets and drawers.

"It's only a small scratch I'll be fine-" I say but he cuts me off.

"It's important to take care of yourself..." he says and I bite my bottom Lip. Why am I getting emotional...
Mr. Park comes towards and kneels down to my leg area. He wipes the wound and rubs ointment over the cut on my knee and places a bandage.

"There. You're all good" he says looking up at me while smiling.

Why am I being like this now, I can't cry infront of him... but tears were already pouring from eyes and I couldn't contain it in anymore. A drop fell on his face and he watches me cry as his smile drops from his face.

"I'm sorry" I rub my eyes and stand up grabbing my bag.

"I'm afraid we'll have to chat some other time..." I say walking to the door not looking back at him. When I got outside of the building there was heavy rainfall.

"Great timing" I say sarcastically to myself and put my hoodie over my head.

I run to the bus station quickly to get shelter and wow look who's here.

"Oh- y/n?!?" Says taemin with his mouth full. I laugh and sit next to him on the bus waiting seat. I pull down my hoodie and saw that he was eating a rice ball.

"Oh- do you want some?" He says trying to give me his half bitten rice ball and shake my head.

"It's okay , I'm not really hungry" and he nods slowly continuing to eat. He look really cute his cheeks were full to the Max.

I stare of to the road as the rainfall eases and the sun shines again. For some reason I kept thinking about Mr. Park. What would he think about me and what just happened back there.

I just wanted to go home and sleep all day until tomorrow but-

"Y/n... wanna come over to my place?" Taemin says and I look at him with an expressionless face.



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