Cʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 1

22 1 3

Muffled voices and flashing lights drag me back into conciousness. The first thing that I become aware of is the thumping pain in the back of my head, making sirens ring in my ears and dulling my senses. I didn't even know if I was sitting or lying down, I couldn't feel or move my limbs- too heavy with sleep.

The shouting sounding like it was a mile away, echoing around my head. I couldn't make out a word that was being said, it was rushed, panicked maybe?

I couldn't really tell over the blaring ring in the back of my skull, and couldn't even try to focus on making out what they were saying too foccused on the aching I felt all over my body.

I felt myself lose conciousness again, and I dont know how long it was before I woke up, a minute? a day? I haven't a clue.

This time everything was much more real, I was more aware. I could feel the rough rope that bound my hands and feet to the chair I was seated on, the now dry trickle of blood that had dried on my face, and the searing pain in my side.

The pounding at the back of my skull much worse, but still I managed to force myself to open my eyes, the pain heightening as I look out at the fluorescent lights, blinking to try and adjust my vision, straining my eyes to see where the voices where coming from.

Focussing my vision, I could make out the moving figures of a couple people, there was a window to my left and a table just to my right. I couldn't see much further without the pain becoming unbearable and my sight blurring worse than before.

As hard as I tried to listen in to the conversation, I couldn't make out more than a couple of words from the conversation behind me, "what do we do?", "get the girl", "they're here"

I don't know where I am, or who else is here, I do however, know that I need to get out of here, now.

I pull my hands against the rope that was scratching my wrists and feet, trying to break free of the bonds that held me, and got nothing.

The muffled voices becoming slightly clearer as I could hear them getting closer to me, almost clear enough to make out. Even though I can't hear exactly what they're saying I can hear the panic in their voices rising, tension heavy in the atmosphere.

I take a deep breath, attempting to clear my head and instantly regret it, the sharp pain in my side that I had barely noticed before becoming excruciating.

Before I had a chance to look down at what was causing the pain, i felt a hand grasp the back of my skill, tangled in my hair as my head was pulled back to face the person looming above me.

The sudden movement making my vision blur, the face looking down at me unclear. I feel myself start to slip out of conciousness as another hand grabbed my shoulder dragging me and the chair, towards the edge of the room.

I could hear an explosion whether it was three feet away from me or so far a normal person shouldn't be able to hear it, I couldn't tell in the half-concious state I found myself in.

And then the pressure against my skull and shoulder went away, I let out a breath I didn't even know I was holding letting my head fall forward and chin tuck into my chest, as I took another deep breath, my head too clouded to pay attention to the shooting pain in my side.

The smell of burnt wood and chemicals filled my nose, and smoke began to enter my lungs, making my eyes water, and I can't quite find it in me to care what was causing it, closing my eyes I feel myself start to drift to sleep, and I let the feeling overcome me.

Before I slip away completely I hear a womans voice, from where I can't tell exactly, but she was close to me, I knew that much.

"Another experiment, female, I wouldn't say she's a day past 16" 

Unlike the indistinct murmuring from before, I could hear her voice clearly. I feel a faint pressure on my arm, not harsh or violent like before, but tender and careful, as if she was scaredI would break, before she continues.

"Barely concious, a stab wound with the knife intact in the lower abdomen, a few cuts and bruises but she'll live, I need someone out here"

I feel the woman move in front of me and lift my head from my chest and I force myself to open my eyes, resisting the urge to squeeze them shut when I'm hit by the blinding light.

When my eyes come into focus I see the round face of the pale woman, who was crouched before me, one hand still on my upper arm the other now resting on my knee.

"You're alright honey, can you tell me your name?" her voice soft and slow and oddly comforting.

I open my voice to speak, but nothing come out. My throat dry and hoarse as if I hadn't drank in days. I don't know if I had.

She must notice my struggle as she tells me not to worry and save my strenght and immediatelly I felt a awave of embarassment wash over me.

I was sitting here, helpless with a stranger trying to comfort me, and I don't have it in me to speak?

Swallowing the lump in my throat, I force myself to make something out.

"Who are you?" I made out, my voice coming out hoarse and slightly strained at the beginning, but atleast I made something out.

One of the many questions that I was thinking, but the one that felt most important to ask.

She let a soft chuckle fall from her lips "Natasha Romanoff, we're gonna get you out don't worry sweetheart" she said squeezing my knee, bringing my attention back to her hands on me, I had forgotton about that contact between us in my hazy state, and I hated it.

"Don't touch me" I bark out as quickly and with as much sterness as I could manage, regardless of the fact that her touch sent shivers down my spine, attempting to pull away on the chair I was in.

In response she held her hands up by her head, and gave me a small smile, amusement etched onto her features.

I felt pain wash over me, worse than before and let out a small strangled sob before I squeezed my eyes shut and bite my lip so hard it bleeds, throwing my head back against the wooden chair, and struggling to keep in my tears.

I hear her mutter something about 'hanging in there' followed by "Barton get someone down here, quickly" before I fall asleep again.

Word Count: 1176

So that's the first chapter done, I didn't want to do a super long one to start off but I think it's fairly okay.
This is just my way of starting off the story and the other chapters will be longer and more exciting dw

Also of you enjoyed please vote, it really means the world and please comment, idc if uts suggestions or constructive criticism or just you're opinion it would honestly mean the world to me, if you couldn't tell this is my first ever fic and I don't really know what I'm doing (:

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 29, 2022 ⏰

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