Pansy x y/n Part 2 (smut)

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Part 2

y/n pov:

Pansy had let me leave, and I ran all the way back to the Gryffindor common room, passing my friends as I got there and went straight to my own room and began to sob.

My heart thumped in my ears, my breathing was fast and erratic, I had to calm myself or else I was going to choke on my tears.

I went to the bathroom and splashed water on my face over and over again until my breathing slowed a few notches.

I headed back to my room and outside the door were my friends all with a worried expression painted across their faces.

They engulfed me with themselves, and began asking questions all at once, making them sound like a trio of banshees.

"Y/n what happened?!"

"Are you ok!?"

They questioned me but I was still winded from running all the way there and gestured for them to slow down.

I made my way into my room and sat on my bed, and they surrounded me.

"y/n what happened back there, you disappeared!" Harry asked hurriedly.

I slowly breathed and looked at myself in shame,

'There was no way I could tell them,' I thought.

'They are going to try and get involved and it's only going to make things worse'

"I'm fine guys, I wasn't fast enough, and Snape got to the common room before I could get out..." I trailed

"I was able to hide though, that's why I was taking so long, sorry."

I said trying to sound as convincing as possible.

"Oh well, as long as you're ok." Harry said worriedly, embracing me in a hug.

As my friends tried to console me, I thought of the things pansy had said,

'Pet' rang through my ears.

I asked them to leave my room after a bit. I needed to be alone.

I cried all the way through the night, thankful the rain was able to drown the sound of my tears.

I probably only got an hour or so of sleep, and when I woke up to bright sunlight splashing my face, I could feel that my eyes were puffy and probably red.

I put on my uniform extra slowly hoping to prolong my journey to the great hall for breakfast.

I met with the others in the common room, and we made our way down for breakfast.

They were all visibly excited to see the results of last night's adventure, giddy and happy the opposite of what I was.

As we made our way to the great hall my heart pounded, 'pansy will probably be there' I thought,

"Uhh guys I think I'm going to skip breakfast. I really need to catch up on some homework." I made up a quick lie, trying to rid myself of any possible encounter with the girl.

"But don't you want to see Draco?" Harry laughed, a big smile on his face.

"I do but I really need to do this homework," I reasoned, trying to weasel my way out.

"Ok we'll see you later then," Hermione said, letting me off the hook.

I headed to the library, walking as fast as possible.

The smell of old books and ink filled my nose as I entered the grand room, 'great there's no one here', I triumphed.

I headed to the back of the library, my favorite spot that no one ever goes to.

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