Chapter 4

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On the tip or side is a picture of Chase ============================

Story's P.O.V.

I sat crisscross facing Rose, i was nervous. I didnt know what she was going to talk about, I was hoping she forgot about the inciddent. We started gossiping and just talking about boys and everything. We like to talk about fantasies and give each other hope. It was 9 and Rose was about to go but before that happened she said," Why did the kids on the mall bother us." "I dont know, but just ignore them they are really stupid," I said. I dont know if I should tell her but I guess because we know each other since we were kids. I sighed and decided to tell her because i trust her that she will not say anything to ANYBODY. I told her everything since the day I moved. It took a while to take all the information, I think I would feel the same way too. She told me,"Don't worry what those shitheads say I'll always be here for you dont worry." I nodded and she turned around and headed for the door. I walked her out and decided to take a shower so I dont have to do it on the morning. Yep I'm really lazy at times. I changed and went to bed but before that, I checked my instagram.


I woke up and got changed. I had a feeling that today was going to be a good day. I got on my bike and headed to school. When I got there I didn't receive the hateful comments. It was chill. It was lunch and as always I didnt have anyone to sit with so I weny to the library. I sat in one of the computers and checked Instagram. It was taking a while to load. I sighed and wish that it was faster,"Stupid school wifi doesn't even work." I turned around and the person standing behind me was the same kid I punched and sat next to. Ladies and Gentlemen the one and only Chase.
"What are you doing here I thought you were going to be with that little skank Claire". He just shrugged and sat in the empty chair next to me. "So what do you want i don't have all the time of the world, so hurry up and spill it." "Fine i was following you so you could tell me why people were laughing at you the other day." I knew I would be doing a big mistake by telling him. So I just made something up and he looked relief. Ha-ha he's so gullible. The bell then rang and I gathered my stuff and headed to class. Finally we get to go home. While I was on my way I saw that my house was full of cops. I went inside and saw cops surrounding my mom. I got supper scared that I ran to see what was happening. I almost reached the scene till a cop grabbed me and pull me backwards. "What do you think youre doing young lady ". He moved me all the way back and asked" Now tell me do you know who or why they did this." "All I know is that the victim is my mother and I would like to see her if you dont mind." I webt through the crowd and finally got to my mother which was getting in one of those ambulence beds and headed off to the hospital. I told one of the nurses and she let me on the ambulance. We headed off to the hospital and we got off. They took her to the emergency and someone told me to fill out a form. After I did all of that I went to the office and asked what happened to my momma. They told me that she got stabbed by a man and the neighbors herd her yell. they still didnt know the man but they told me to stay strong for my mom. I felt this sick pain in my chest that I couldn't get rid of. It only happens when theres something tragic happening. My mom is here and they are doing everything to help her and the nurse said all was going to be positive but then why do I still feel it.

Authors Note: Srry for the late update its just I have been studying for my test.

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