Chapter seven Questions

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He went out the room a couple of minute and he came back with two glasses of water he put them on the table then he sat down he took the blood tablets out and dropped one in I picked up my drink and downed it I put the glass back on the table and sat back I couldn't read his thoughts but I knew he wanted to ask questions.
"Ask whatever you want."
I didn't turn to him.
"Who are you?."
"My name is Aurora King and I am eighteen years old."
"The truth Aurora."
"Fine my name is Aurora King and I am eighteen years old now my real age is ten thousand years old."
"Next question what are you?."
I smirked.
"Better question what I'm I not."
"Okay then so what are you not?."


"Okay then so what are you not?."
"A human."
"So your a shape shifter."
"So what type of vampire are you?."
"A pureblood."
"The same as me."
"What are you to Yuki."
"Nothing in blood but she's my adopted sister and my bestfriend I would do anything to keep her safe."
"How long have you known her?."
"About ten years."
"Ten years but I've never seen you around here?."
"I got the headmaster to hide me in the main buliding in my own room."
She turned to look at me.
"-because I don't trust human's or vampire to put it straight I don't trust anybody... wait lie I trust Yuki that's about it."
"So why are you telling me this now?."
"You mean who I am, what I am and my age?."
"There just the basic's no one know's my pasted I only have to say them things and people will know the reason's for my scars and my expresstions and attiude and also know that I've been through hell."
"Does anyone know about your pasted?."
"No and no one will know."
I went silent what else do I say.
"Oh and I think I've wiped out nearly all of the Level E's in town tonight."
"You what?."
"I'll explan a little about the situation in the class room-."
She looked out the window then back at me.
"-when a full moon is up my eyes turn red and I go a little crazy and I want to kill so I run instead but it's not human's I want to kill or other vampires it's Level E's that I want to kill so I did to night I let go and killed as many as I could before I calmed down again."
"Why do you eyes turn red?."
"That one I can't tell."
"So tell me then what are you mostly?."
"A vampire and a wolf."
"A wolf can you transform?."
"Do you do it often?."
"Would you?."
"To show you yes but another time."
She froze.
"I have to go Yuki's calling me."

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