Chapter seventeen Her power is unstoppable

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When I woke up I got ready in my uniform and went to walk to the headmasters office I seen Yuki.
"Hey Zero will you come into town with me today for something for the headmaster?."
She smiled we walked to the gates I looked up at the moon dorms I seen Aurora standing in Kaname's room at his window she seen me and give a weak smile my eyes widened "She looks so... Weak, helpless, scared." I went to walk to the Idorms I had my eyes on her she shook her head to say no then pointed where Yuki when I looked she just got to the gates I walked up to her and smiled like nothing happened we walked to town the only thing I could think of is what happened for her to look like that?."


Without her knowing I watched her stearing out the window she looked broken she shook her head at something and pointed at something she must of been talking to someone she sighed she looked back at me I pretended to be asleep.
"I'm not stupid I know your awake."
I opened my eyes and she was stearing at me I stood up and walked near her but stopped there wasn't a single emotion on her face she looked out the window again then sighed she walked over to the bed she wrapped a blanket around her and picked up her dress (she not totally naked) and then she walked out the door and went back to her room when the door shut I heard her let out a few sobs then the sound of her footsteps disappeared I flipped the desk over and pushed the bookshelf over Ichijo ran in followed by everyone else but Aurora.
"Lord Kana-."
He looked around the room I pushed passed him.
"Lord Kaname!!!."
I could hear them shouting me but I ignored them I got to the top of the stairs and seen Aurora down the hallway she turned and walked away I walked down the stairs and out of the academy I went for a walk to try and clear my mind I seen Levi and some other people "They must be the rest of the pack." I went to walk away.
"They've come back for Aurora, Levi what do we do."
I stopped and listened in on the conversation.
"Buy us time I'll go and warn her."
"Got it."
Levi ran off and the rest went and distracted the men and got chased I used my power of speed and went back to the academy before Levi even got there she came down with a bag packed she was wearing a black suit.
Levi ran in he froze.
"I know I can sense them."
"So are you the wolf princess or..."
She smirked.
His eyes widened then he smirked "What are they talking about?." He knelt down on one knee and bowed.
"My queen I will stay by your side until the end no matter what happens."
"Levi I want you to bring me my sword then I want you and the pack to stay out of this."
"But Auror-."
"Levi that's an order!."
"Yes of course forgive me I will return shortly "
He ran off she let out a sigh and dropped her bag.
"It's time to stop running I've been running for too long now."


I went and took my bag upstairs to my room then went back down Levi returned with my sword I sent him away the headmaster came in.
"I've sent all the day class home like you asked and sent Zero and Yuki out for the day."
"Thank you father."
"Yey you called me father oh I'm so happy."
He went to hug me I stepped aside and he ran into the wall.
"Don't get used to it, it just seemed right to use in my moment of seriousness is all."
He started fake crying I rolled my eyes.
"Your so mean Aurora."
"It just who I am Kaien."
Then there were footsteps coming into the room.
"Aurora King the wolf princess, the pureblood princess and loads of other things a shape shifter and my three favourites the queen of hell, the creator of hell and the angel of darkness."
I smirked.
"Nice to see you haven't forgot about me Kyoya."
"How can I forget the bitch that wiped out a hundred of my best men?."
I started laughing.
"If those were your best men I suggest you make training harder for them I took them out in seconds they didn't stand a chance."
"They give it their best."
"They didn't get close to me."
He smirked.
"They seemed to get close enough to you mam and dad and their meant to be unstoppable just like yo-."
I snapped and everything went blank I ran at him and kicked him in the face he went flying back and the rest came at me I used the wind to knock them out cold Kyoya stood up and got his sword out and came at me I closed my eyes when I could feel him near me I took mine out.


I stood with the rest of the night class watching Aurora she knocked them out cold Kyoya stood up and got his sword out and ran at her she closed her eyes when he was near her she took her sword out they clashed he swung at her but she jumped away she was too fast to even see what happened but by the time they stopped fighting Kyoya was on the floor and Aurora had his and her sword pointing at his neck he went to stand up.
"Don't even try it."
"Do it kill me the rest of them will be after you."
She went to kill him but we could all see she was hesitating.
"Would this make you want to kill him more-."
I looked at the door and seen Levi.
"I told you to stay away."
"I know but I came to tell you not only was he responsible for your mam's and foster families death all these years he also killed Rebecca and hurt Becca-."
"Wait for it he also killed your twin sister."
Her eyes widened and the whole place shook.
"You killed Angel!!!!."
She swung the sword and cut his chest she kept swinging the sword at him until he was lifeless you could hear cry of pain coming from him and screams of sadness and anger from Aurora when he was no more Kaname went up behind her and pulled her back he tried to calm her down by while saying things in her ear I got Levi to clean up the mess which he did.


We were all shocked we didn't care about the blood this is the most emotion she's showed us her pain and anger Kaname tried calming her down.

Two weeks later.


After that day I never really spoke to anyone I say things when need to be said or if someone asks for my opinion I explained everything that happened to Yuki and Zero they had a right to know I used my power to make the academy look like it usually does God knows what got destroyed besides the moon dorms but for that I used a large amount of power and was on bed rest for three days Kaname never left my side when we were around people I won't speak but when it was just me and him I spoke loads I couldn't take much more I admitted my feelings to myself on the night of the dance but my feelings were growing stronger for Kaname I walked into his room he wasn't there I laid on his sofa and read through some books that were on his coffee table I picked a book up and tried to read it but it was in a different language the language seemed familiar like I've seen it before but I can't think where, after an hour the door opened and I glanced at Kaname.
"I've spent an hour trying to work out what this says."
He laughed and walked over I lifted my head up and he sat down I laid back down and rests my head on his lap.
"But the writing does look familiar."
"It's Greek you will have seen it."
"This is not Greek."
"It's the vampires way of Greek it's difficult as you can tell even I can't read it."
I put the book back on the table.
"Wow even the great Kaname Kuran can't read it there's a surprise."
He chuckled and leaned down and kissed my forehead.
"I don't see why you can't understand it you were born then."
"So were you but that was the time I lashed out then fell into a little slumber."
"That's the time I was in a slumber too."
I smiled.
"Explains why we can't read it."
There was a knock on the door then Senri and Rima both walked in.
"Sorry to disturb you but the headmaster would like to see you both."
"Thank you."
They smiled and walked out I stood up and so did Kaname we walked to the office we walked through the door and a girl with long snowy white hair stood up and turned I froze completely and broke it was....

(The end.)

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