"Ann" part 2

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I walked to my class to finnish the school day. I was so happy to meet my friends I couldn't stop thinking about what I have to say to them. Tho I wasn't happy about what I had to tell them.
I was looking at that clock for how long now?
I'm not sure anymore, after lunch the day was going to slow I thought I stopped time. RrRrrrriiiinnnngggg!!
That's the bell!
I quickly got out of the building, so excited to talk to my friends. I didn't see them much. Oh there is Susie!
"Hey Susie over here!"
"Oh hey Ann didn't see you there."
Susie walked up to me out of the crowd. Following her was Kyle."Oh hey Kyle!" I said to him."oh hey Ann!" They walked up to me. "Did you see Fritz anywhere?" Kyle asked me.
"No but we should wait for hi-"
"Oh guys I'm right here sorry for being late!!" Fritz started speed walking towards us. "Classic Fritz!" Kyle said with a laugh. Everyone was leaving the school until we were only the four of us. "Ok guys so you know my mom is a scientist or something like that source." " Oh yah you been telling us all week." Kyle said. "I've been wanting to know where she goes because she never tells me and she comes home very late, but today I have a feeling I know the place of "her work." I said confusing everyone. "Yah but how do you know? Just by gut?" Fritz asked me, he was the most confused one out of them all. "I don't know I just...have a feeling that I know where...just don't remember. But I know where I was..just not what the place was called or what it looks like. I feel..traped..lifeless..and weak. All I'm asking is that if you guys would like to come with me to find this place, I'm scared to go alone." They all didn't know what to say. But then Susie shook her head, I knew she would come with me, we were friends since the 3rd grade. Fritz and Kyle just looked at each other scared. Then Fritz looked at me "sure Ann, that's what friends are for! I'm in"
"Same, I'll go" Kyle told me.
"How about we go home and get some things just incase we need like a flashlight or a phone" Susie told us all, she sounded like she was excited to spend time with us. "Ok! Let's meet here at 3:10"
Then they all shook their heads and headed home. I started to head home, it was dark so I tried to walk faster then usual. There is a forest that is in my neighborhood that I have to pass to get home. There was something in the ground in the forest. I stopped and looked. It was a gravestone.
Thinking of the grave didn't scare me. I looked at the name.
It read "here lies MARY ANN LOCKS"
My head started to hurt, then I was scared, so scared. I felt, empty. Not whole. I tried to run I couldn't move. My head hurt so bad I thought someone punched my brain out. I couldn't see, or think anymore. Then I heard a quiet sound in my head that said "Your Not Me " it got louder and louder. Then stopped.

It was so quiet

Then I ran home as quick as I could. Made it to the front door unlocked it and ran inside and locked it as fast as I could. What was that. Who was that.

Who am I.

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