7: He Visits You At Work

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Niall: "Y/N? Niall's here to see you," your assistant told you. "You can let him in!" you responded excitedly. Niall had just come home from tour yesterday and you definitely didn't expect him to surprise you at work! A few seconds later, your boyfriend appeared in front of your door with a basket and a red checkered blanket. "Hi babe!" he greeted you, giving you a peck on the cheek. "Hey Nialler! What are you doing here?" you asked, eyeing the basket. "Well I didn't want to eat lunch alone so I thought it'd be a good idea to visit you and have a little picnic in your office!" your boyfriend beamed. "You're too cute," you giggled as he started setting the blanket down on an empty space on the floor.

Louis: You were typing away at your computer when suddenly a pair of hands covered your eyes. You quickly turned around to see your boyfriend smiling down at you. "Hello gorgeous!" he said, kissing your forehead. "Hey baby! What's up?" you asked. "What, a boyfriend isn't allowed to visit his girlfriend at work when he's bored?" he asked, feigning offense. "No, no! Thanks for visiting babe," you smiled. "It's just that everything's really busy at the office today. Four people are out with the flu and I've been trying to finish up their work too," you told him. "I'm sorry baby, you look exhausted. Have you even had lunch yet?" he asked you. You shook your head, realizing you haven't eaten since dinner last night. "Well why don't you take your lunch break with me right now. You can come back and work after you've had some food in your stomach!" he said, taking your hand.

Harry: "Knock, knock," you heard a familiar voice call from your door. You looked up to see your boyfriend standing at your door with a rose. "Harry!" you shouted jumping up from your chair. You ran towards him and he caught you with a tight grip. You inhaled his scent, the scent you have been missing for weeks. "I thought your flight wasn't getting in until tonight," you inquired. "I lied," he smirked. "I wanted to surprise you. " You smiled as he engulfed you in another hug followed by a peck on the lips. "I brought us Chinese food so we could eat here. I didn't want to interrupt your work." he stated. "Thanks, come sit," you told him. You two sat at your desk talking about what each other missed. When the time came that you had to get back to work, he stayed in your office. He didn't make any noise he just played on his phone occasionally glancing up at the beautiful woman that was all his, and that he had missed for such a long time.

Zayn: Your phone buzzed with multiple messages from Zayn. You continued to ignore them just like all the others. He said he didn't need you in the argument you two got in this morning before you stormed out. Your eyes filled with tears, thinking about the of the terrible fight. You still managed to stay strong against him, though your heart ached for him. Your work phone rang and you quickly picked it up, "Ms. Y/L/N, could you come to the front desk please?" said the receptionist. "Yeah I'll be down in a minute," you replied as you hung up the phone. You wiped the tears from off your face and headed to the front desk. As you approached the front desk you saw a nervous Zayn holding a teddy bear and chocolate. "Y/N, I'm so sorry, I do need you. I didn't mean anything I said earlier, I'm so stupid. When you left the house I began to think, what f I lost you for good? Now, that is a thought I can't even bear. Please forgive me." he blabbered. You wrapped your arms around his neck and gave him a passionate kiss. "Listen, please take this as a promise you'll never leave me, that no matter how hard it gets that you'll persevere. That you'll always love me," he said pulling out a ring, "It's a promise ring," he smiled. "Of course Zayn, to tell the truth I couldn't bear living without you either," you replied as he slipped the ring on your finger and pulled you in for another kiss. You didn't notice that your boss was standing behind you until she cleared her throat. "Why don't you take the rest of the day off," she suggested. "Are you sure?" you hesitated. She nodded with a sweet smile. "Thank you," You smiled back as you took the teddy bear from Zayn and ran out of the building.

Liam: You had just gotten an amazing fashion designing job for a huge company. Unfortunately, along with the new job, came a ton of new responsibilities. This meant many late nights at the office, which neither you nor Liam were too happy about. It was past midnight and you were alone in the office trying to get all your designs ready for your boss the next morning. You were so focused on your work that you didn't hear the door opening until you heard a person right behind you. In a moment of sheer panic, you turned around and punched the person in the stomach. The second you saw the flash of black hair on the ground, you gasped. "Liam!" you exclaimed. "Oh my gosh I'm so sorry sweetheart! Why are you here? Jesus you scared the crap out of me!" you said, helping him off the floor. He groaned from the pain. "Wanted to surprise you and stay here with you so you wouldn't be alone," he explained. "Glad I asked you to take those self-defense classes," he added sarcastically, trying to smile for your benefit.

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