139: He Doesn't Like What You're Wearing

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Harry: "Babe, are you ready?", you heard Harry call from downstairs. You were fidgeting with your hair and makeup, putting on the last finishing touches. "Yea, I'll be down in a minute." You finished and examined your outfit and hair, perfect for going out on the town. As you walked downstairs where Harry was waiting, you saw his eyes open wide, "Umm, Y/N, what are you wearing?" You looked at him confused, "Erm, clothes..." You didn't find anything wrong with your attire. "Babe, you think that you could wear a dress that the neckline isn't so deep?" "I like what I'm wearing, there isn't anything wrong with it." "Listen, I don't want any other guys getting ideas when they see you in that, ok? Please baby, can you just change the dress for me?", he put on his puppy dog face that you just couldn't resist. "Ok fine, but I'm not happy about it", you stomped up stairs but Harry had a crooked smile on his face, "Thank you"

After a tiring dance rehearsal you were finally at yours and Liam's shared flat. Your recital was tomorrow night and you decided to take home with you your first costume since you had to go to the theatre the next day wearing that, to save time. "Hey, babe! How was rehearsal?" Liam asked from the couch, laptop on his lap browsing through twitter. "It was as fun as the last rehearsal can get, lots of running around." You said laughing softly. "What's in the bag?" He asked curiously. "Oh it's one of my costumes for tomorrow." You said. "As much as I love surprises, can I see it on you now?" He asked, smiling at you. "Fine... But just because you're too cute." You said, heading towards your room to change. After making sure that you had your top tied around you perfectly you headed towards the living room. "Ta-Da!" You said, throwing some jazz hands just for the full effect. "Um,Y/N where is the rest of your costume?" He asked, looking everywhere but at you. "Liam, this is my costume. For my jazz piece." "Isn't it a bit, too revealing?" He asked blushing slightly. "It's just for a three minute routine." You said defensively. "I can't deny how really, and I mean really good you look wearing that, I think I'm going to have a hard time not punching all of the guys in the audience if they look at you for too long." "Aw, don't worry babe, I only have eyes for you." You said before kissing him softly.

Zayn: It was the the middle of the summer and you and Zayn decided to go and take a walk in the park since everyone was probably at the beach, so taking the opportunity of not being mobbed by fans and having a nice day out you both went and change out of your pyjamas. You were still in the midst of changing when Zayn called out for you, "Y/N, are you ready yet?" He asked from the living room. "Just a sec!" You yelled back grabbing your favourite purple lace crop top and heading towards the living room. "Okay, let's go!" You said happily, slipping on your toms. "Um, you know what babe? How about we just stay in? I heard the heat is so bad outside right now. What if we get a heat stroke?" He rambled. "Weren't you the one hurrying me up five minutes ago?" "Well I didn't know you were going to wear that." He said dryly. "And what exactly is wrong with what I'm wearing?" You said, an eyebrow raised, daring him to go on. "It's see through! I can see your bra through that shirt!" He said pointing at your shirt like it was a demon. "Zayn, it's over ninety degrees out." "Well don't you have something else that won't make guys ogle you?" You rolled your eyes but headed back towards the room to change your shirt. "Besides, only I can see that!" Zayn called out after you.

Louis: "Why is it that girls take so long to get ready?", Louis said growing frustrated with waiting for you. You finished and walked out to him and gave a twirl for him to see your outfit, "It takes a lot of effort to look like this." He squinted his eyes and examined you thoroughly, "That skirt", he said dryly, "It's too short." You returned the sass, "And that attitude, I don't like it." "Listen sweetheart, we could sit here all night and argue, but I'd rather go out. So please do something with that skirt. Your HooHoo is about to show, and we don't need other guys oggling over that", he said possessively. You really didn't want to argue so you went back to your closet to find something else to wear. You came back for Louis approval wearing a turtleneck sweater, jeans and boots, "Is this acceptable master?", you said with your best sarcastic face on. He laughed and came towards you, "Aren't you hilarious, but yes, much better." He placed a soft kiss on your lips and took you hand, "Ready to go, my love?"

Niall: "Oh heavens, it's so hot out", you said as you walked out onto your patio, "We should take up this opportunity today and go to the beach", you turned and told Niall as you just finished your breakfast. "Yea, I think that's a great idea." You went upstairs to get changed and ready. You put on your bikini, shorts a sheer coverup top and a floppy hat. You walked out of your closet and into the bathroom where Niall was. He gawked at the shortness of your shorts, "Babe, I know we're going to the beach and all, but can you maybe find a pair of shorts that your bum isn't practically hanging out of them?" You knew he tried to say it in the nicest way possible but it still ticked you off. "Niall we're going to the beach, I'm just going to end up taking them off anyway, relax." He still wasn't convinced, "Ok so if you're going to take them off anyway, then you won't have a problem in putting on another pair." You didn't want to fight and you knew you'd eventually lose this battle anyway so you raised your hands in defeat, "Ok, fine, I give!" Niall's expression changed instantaneously, "That's what I like to hear, thank you", he kissed you on the cheek but you had no interest. He slapped your bum as you walked away, "I'm the only one that gets to see that." You couldn't help but chuckle.

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