Some of you may recognise this, cause it was one of my fan-fics before i gave up on it. So, here's the whole finished project! I hope y'all like it!
“Larry! Larry! Larry!” the fans were yelling as we walked in for the interview.
Harry and I glanced at each other and hugged giving them what they wanted. Each and everyone of them freaked. I winked to the group of girls in the front row. The five of us sat down and faced Gamy and the video camera set by her.
“Well hello there boys!”
“Gamy!” Niall said.
“Yo.” Zayn nodded.
“Good to see you again.” Liam.
“CARROTS!” me.
“Hiya darling.” Haz.
“So, how’ve you all been?”
“Great!” Niall.
“Hmmmm, been better.”
“My girlfriend says she loves me, so as long as she’s happy, I’m happy!” ah, Liam.
The helpless romantic, sensitive one!I just nodded. The thing was, I wasn’t as happy as everyone else. Why? Can’t say…well, not yet…..
Out of my daydream and back into reality.
“How are you?”
“What’s going on Louis? Something you need to tell us?” Gamy asked.
Damn it! I answered way to quickly. She gave me a knowing look.
The crowd began to roar and I thought up a million lies in my head. Anything but the truth. Then I came up with the perfect one. And it wasn’t a total lie because it’d happened many times before.
“Well, see, it’s very important and awful tragic.”
“Oh no! Louis!”
“Do tell.”
“Come closer.”
She did.
An inch more. I leaned in and whispered in her ear.
“Niall ate her last carrot.”
We both leaned back and by then she was cracking up. Shouts of:
“What was it?”
“Is Louis gonna die?”
“Does he have to pee?”
Gamy continued to crack up before she turned back to the crowd.
“Well, Should we tell them?”
“No. Let them sweat.”
“LOUIS!” the fans yelled.
“Ah fine…Niall……last…CARROT!” I yelled.
Ah, that horrified look on Nialler’s face! So total worth it! Once the laughter died down, Gamy continued the interview.