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listen to the song yall 🥺😢

I missed Mike. I know I shouldn't have, he cheated. But I loved him and sometimes when you love someone, your heart aches for them, even when its already broken for them. But I guess he was just one of those beautiful people who only come into your life to mess it up. Lovers can't be choosers I guess.

At noon, I got out of bed, my eyes crusty from crying. I slumped down to the kitchen to eat a bowl of lucky ducky Irish unicorn charms, filling the bowl with melted ice cream instead of milk. Don't judge me, I was grieving! I somehow ate a sugar filled unhealthy breakfast every morning, never exercised, yet never gained any weight or had any consequences from it! I was so special!

At work, I took some more photos, and the photographer said I looked so happy and pretty. Deep down I knew it was wrong. Mike was the only one who could make me happy and he was gone, all because I had to throw away a great relationship. Who cares if Mike cheated, I was still the one who threw it away! 

When I finally got home, I slumped onto my comforter. I heard a door creak open, and I jumped up, hoping it would be Mike, but no. It was a purple lizard looking monster. I almost karate chopped it (I was a triple black belt, I'm just so quirky) but it spoke first. 

"Y/N? I'm Randall." He spoke, "Before you attack me, just know that I'm here to be nice! I hate Mike, but we need him for the scream power so I sent myself on a mission to find you. Mike is sad and won't work, which sucks because it won't help me win the scream contest if Sulley and Mike aren't in it. It just makes me seem stupid." I nodded. I hated the scream stuff but I would find Mike again, even if it meant fighting all the odds and getting scream power.

my monster 🥺🥺🥺(mike wazowski x reader)Where stories live. Discover now