A Game of Tag (I got tagged. I hope this is entertaining)

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Quick A/N: Yes, I have been tagged by drakonsnake. I hope she doesn't mind that I've made an entire Twoshot out of this incident. I think I'm quite funny, but if this insults anyone, I'll remove it.
If you want to get to the actual tag without reading my Twoshot, just scroll to the bottom. It's there in very simple terms. Although, I would like it if you actually read the thing I put several hours of work into, just saying.
I don't know if the people I tag at the bottom are ok with being tagged, so just know that there is no pressure to complete the tag. It's just for fun!
Enjoy the slice of chaos from my brain. There's more where it came from!


"Ahhh!" Kat runs through the hallways of the containment building. Containment is a harsh way of putting it. The place is more of a spot for young, chaotic writers to get together and write. I say containment because we're a chaotic bunch who will definitely not decimate the planet if freed. The person running behind her holds a slip of paper in one hand and reaches out to tag her with the other.

"I'm going to get you, Kat!" Kit yells. A few seconds later, she caught up with Kat and tagged her. The two skid to a stop right outside of the room I'm working in. My name is Jade, or at least that's how I'm known in this place. My real name is a deeply kept secret that will never be revealed to anyone for no other reason than the fact that I can. If you do happen to figure it out or know me outside of this rad corner of the world, congratulations. Don't tell anyone else.

"You've been tagged, Kat!" I hear Kit exclaim. "You have to answer these questions and then go tag another person. Or three."

"Alright, fine." Kit and Kat go through the questions, and Kat answers each of them. Finally, they finish, leaving the hallway outside quiet.

Being tagged is a semi-dangerous thing. Usually, it results in charging around the building like maniacs, avoiding the dashing people, and trying not to run people over. I've never been tagged. I've watched it happen enough times that I'm sure it will be entertaining either way.

I shut my laptop, sticking it into my bag. The bag shrinks down and disappears into a pocket. We have this really cool technology that functions like a Minecraft inventory. It's a bag that will grow to roughly the size of a good backpack. The bag can hold a surprising amount of stuff and shrinks down to the size of a wallet. It's super helpful for storing my laptop and various bits of equipment for whatever sort of chaos we start.

I walk outside and, perceiving no one, I continue down the hall. I think I'll go do some roleplay or fanart. Maybe even, I shudder slightly, homework. A loud yell startled me as Kat jumped out from another doorway and pursued me down the hall. I spin on my heel and start sprinting the opposite way.

"Azael!!!" I scream, passing the admin in the hall. "Help! Kat's trying to get me!!!"

"I'm afraid you're on your own," Azael replies with a smirk.

"Noooo," I scream, doubling my pace. The admin watches me yeet away from my pursuer. Azael always supports the chaos. Despite being an admin, she is one of the most chaotic in the building. Remember the point about everyone being so chaotic we might decimate the world if released? Yeah, we are all physical embodiments of the word chaos.

The chase continued along several hallways until some foot traffic intervened. Eevee looked up in surprise as the two of us rounded the corner. I dodge him, and he moves against the wall. Evo pokes her head out of a doorway to yell encouragement. I skid around a potted plant, but the extra step I had to take allowed Kat to catch up with me. She tackles me from behind. My first time being tagged, and I think I did decently well. Kat gets up and extends a hand to help me stand. We stand in silence, panting.

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