Movie Night

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Shout out to @Steve-Gold! Comment below your favorite Disney Princess. Mine is Aurora (Obviously)

Liam, Simon, and Kit ordered take out tacos, because Kit said he was a little bit too stressed to try and eat at a restaurant. Simon said that was fine, and Liam preferred to be out of the view of prying eyes.

"Then Simon cried for a whole week, and refused to sleep alone in his own room for months." Liam laughed, recounting a time he'd shown Simon a horror movie.

"I did not!" Simon pouted, but it was fake. He was glad to see Liam goofing around like he used to. He was more like the person Simon knew before everything happened. Liam was acting like the brother who let him sleep in his room when he was frightened, ceasing his teasing under the notion that Simon really needed him. "It was way too scary for a ten year old. You never should have shown me that."

"You begged me to let you stay with my friends." Liam asserted.

"And look how the tables have turned. Now it's you begging to hang out with my friends." Simon shot in retaliation. Liam laughed, but his cheeks were dusted with pink.

"You wanted to hang out with me?" Kit piped up.

"He practically forced me to text you." Simon chuckled, and Liam's face burst full red.

"I didn't, Kit. You make it sound so weird, Simon." Liam struggled to put his words in the right order.

"I think it's sweet. I'd hang out with you anytime." Kit smiled brightly.

"Shh! This is the best part!" Simon interrupted drawing everyone's eyes back to the long forgotten television.

"It's just some old Disney movie. We've seen it a million times." Liam rolled his eyes at Simon's pestilence.

"I've never seen it." Kit stated.

"Why not?" Simon looked aghast, his eyes wide in confusion.

"We didn't really do things like that when I was growing up." Kit shrugged.

"That's so sad. You haven't seen any of them?" Simon prodded.

"Nah. I suppose it's not so bad. I've never really known what I was missing." Kit explained.

"We have to watch them ALL!" Simon insisted. "Like all of them. I'll find Snow White, and we'll start at the beginning."

"I don't know-" Liam began, but was cut off by Kit.

"It sounds like fun."

"Of course it does! We can meet up every Friday, have a movie night, and pound our way through all of them." Simon was giddy with the suggestion. "Liam you have to be here too."

"Why?" Liam raised an eyebrow.

"We're creating memories." Simon stated nobly. "So we have to make it fun for him."

"I can.. I can watch a few." Liam crumbled. "But I can't make any promises."

"So it's a deal?" Simon looked around at the other boys. "Does that work for you Kit?"

"Definitely." Kit nodded.

Simon and the other boys settled in for the first movie, with Kit and Liam sharing the couch and Simon on the floor like an excited child. Liam had never been fond of Snow White, so he tuned the movie out and focused on Simon; so happy with something as little as a movie. It made him sad for Kit, that his childhood had been so deprived.

Kit was not mad about the set up. Not mad at all. He loved Simon, and of course would take any opportunity to spend more time with Liam, who was watching his brother in a loving protective way as the movie reflected on his perfect face. Cute.. Kit thought to himself. Liam might have lied to Simon a few times, and was not without his flaws, but he was a good brother, as far as Kit knew about brothers, though Kit's brother was Asher, so he wasn't an expert on the topic. If Kit could have bottled the moment forever he would have, but as the movie dragged on he knew he'd have to leave and go back home to his mother as she slowly lost her mind. Still, he could drink in the happy music and the very handsome boy he was enjoying it with for a few hours every Friday.

Liam took up most of the couch, but Kit was alright with that, he was cozy in the corner, walled in by Liam's long legs which stretched in front of him. The boy had a pair of red shorts that cut off at his mid thigh on and a grey t-shirt which accentuated his muscular torso. Liam looked good in red, Kit thought, it suited him; made him look his best. Liam caught Kit staring and looked away immediately, red with embarrassment. Kit decided that the natural red of his cheeks was the best red on Liam.


"Shh!" Simon shushed as Liam's phone went off from across the room.


Liam hoped to ignore, it but knew he couldn't anymore and excused himself from the room to check his messages. He had a text from his boss asking him if he could cover an extra shift after one of their co-workers unexpectedly called in sick, and of course, with Liam as manager it was his responsibility to go in. He hated to leave the boys and the movie night, but it was the only way to keep a steady stream of income, and Simon's tuition for the next year would be due soon.

"I've got to run out." Liam whispered, being intentionally vague. Kit shot him a strange look, but Simon was too invested in the movie, and just waved him off. Liam hated late night shifts. He hated the people who came in, and moreover he hated the next morning, where he was sure to be a sleep deprived mess.

As he drove the neon sign of the chain restaurant popped into view, and he began to have a nagging feeling that something was about to go wrong, he wasn't sure what, but he knew it was something. It wouldn't go away as he parked, or entered, or got ready for his shift, and he had no idea what was causing it. That is, until he made his way out into the dining room, and he knew exactly why; sitting at a table in the corner, staring at him as if he'd been expecting the boy, was Shea.

"Oh Hi... Liam, is it? Fancy seeing you here."

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