The Truth Comes Out

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"Asher? What are you doing here?" Shea narrowed his eyes, looking between Asher and Liam.

"Garrett?" Asher questioned, looking to the tall curly haired jock standing awkwardly behind Shea.

"Liam." Shea repeated. "I need to talk to you. Alone." He eyed Asher nervously.

"Whatever you have to say, you can say in front of Asher, Garrett, and everyone." Liam said in an emotionless tone.

"Fine. I told you to tell Simon he was allowed to talk to me again and he hasn't so obviously you didn't hold up on your end of the deal." Shea crossed his arms in anger. Garrett and Asher stood behind their respective sides in awkward agreed non-confrontation.

"I told him he could. If he didn't it means he had the good sense not to, or he didn't want to."

"You're lying. Simon would have reached out if you told him he could."

"Bro, maybe you should-" Garrett began.

"NOT NOW, GARRETT," Shea shouted bitterly. Garrett's eyes betrayed hurt, and Asher migrated over to stand with his friend in support. He wrapped his arm comfortingly around Garrett, and Garrett looked up in surprise, but didn't object.

"You should listen to your friend," Liam glared. "Wouldn't want anyone getting hurt, now would we."

"What'd you boys talk about while we were-" Kit and Simon emerged from the bathroom together and stopped in their tracks as they saw Shea.

"Shea?" Simon's face shifted in surprise.

"Garrett?" Kit's brows furrowed.

"Hi." Garrett nodded in embarrassment.

"There's only one person who stands to get hurt here, Liam." Shea threatened. "Simon I think you should-" From across the room Asher stormed towards Shea and punched his square in the nose. The group stood in astonishment for a moment before Shea pounced on Asher attempting to punch the larger boy. Before he could, he was torn off by his shirt. Rather than punching, Liam threw Shea off of Asher onto the dirty linoleum of the mall floor.

"Liam!" Simon called, clinging to his arm. Kit ushered Asher away from the battle, attempting to soothe his anger.

"What the hell is wrong with you?" Shea staggered to stand. "You're crazy, you're both crazy."

"And you're a bastard."

"If you... you think..." Shea struggled to stand, holding his hand to his gushing nose. "Liam tell Simon what you did. Tell him NOW. Or I will."

"Tell me what, Liam? I don't understand." Simon pulled Liam back as he attempted to lunge at Shea again.

"He's been lying to you." Shea gave up trying to stand, and crumpled to the ground.

"What's he talking about?" Simon looked from Shea on the ground clutching his nose back to Liam, eyes still red with anger.

"I- " Liam stammered.

"Tell him." Shea spoke bitterly.

"Go on." Asher broke the back and forth. "It's no use, Liam. This has gone on long enough. You've got to have it out."

"The money for St. Anne's didn't come from Grandma and Grandpa."

"What do you mean?" Simon's brow furrowed, "It's $15,000 a year. Where did the money come from."

"I earned it. But I did it for you, Simon. I wanted you to have a better life?" Liam pleaded.


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