Part 1

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"Kili and Y/N, go get some fire wood." Thorin orders. Your eyes flick over to Kili, who nods. He looks at you and gives you a smile. Butterflies flutter in your stomach and your eyes drop to the ground. You are secretly in love with him. "Come on, Y/N." Kili says. You follow him deep into the woods, wordless, too nervous to talk. "So...we go to Mirkwood soon." Kili murmurs. "Yeah, I heard it's kind of crazy there." You state, looking at him. You bend and pick up dried branches. "Thorin is a little hesitant to go in there." He says. You straighten, your eyebrows. "Why?" You ask. "Because of the crazy things?" You ask, perking an eyebrow. Kili stares at you and shrugs. "If you count the Elves as 'crazy things'." He says. "Ohhhh." You breathe, nodding. "Elves...right." You say. "He doesn't like them very much, does?" You ask, scrunching up your nose. Kili laughs and shakes his head. "That's an understatement, Y/N." He says, grinning. You chuckle and blush slightly. "Come on." Kili says, touching your arm. Shivers run up your arm and stare at him. "Let's collect some more firewood." He finishes. You nod and open your mouth to say something. "Shh, shh, shh." Kili whispers, holding up a hand. He looks around, his eyes watching the forest. "What is it?" You whisper, barely audible. "We're being watched." He answers. You hear a roar and suddenly Azog and Bolg jump out of the forest.
A scream jumps out of your throat as Kili throws himself over you, throwing you to the ground. He covers your body with his, protecting you. He reaches for a dagger and prepares to turn when Bolg takes the end of his mace and slams it against Kili's head. His body goes limp on yours and Azog picks you up by the throat. You scream but it comes out in a strangled cry instead. "Dol Guldur." Azog spits, making you flinch. He throws you to the ground and another Orc grabs you tightly. You watch Kili as Bolg throws him over his shoulder. "No..." You gasp. "Help! Somebody help!" You scream. The Orc slaps a hand over your mouth and squeezes. Azog shoots the Orc a glare and then they start running off towards Dol Guldur, dragging Kili and you behind them.~
"Mmm...Y/N..." Kili moans, his eyes opening. "I'm here. I'm here, Kili." You whisper, helping him sit up. "Where are we?" He asks, looking around. "Dol Guldur." You answer. Kili pales. "Where are they? Where's Azog?" He asks. You shake your head. "I don't know. They threw us into this large cage and then stalked off, mumbling whatever to each other." You answer. "Black Speech." Kili murmurs. "What?" You ask, looking at him. "They speak Black Speech. I've heard Gandalf talk about it." He informs. You inch closer to him. "Are they going to kill us?" You ask quietly. He stares at you and then looks away. "I-I don't know..." He whispers. You pull your knees to your chest and wrap your arms around them. You rest your head on your knees and sigh. You watch Kili as he picks on a loose piece of string on his pants. He looks at you and smiles slightly. You return a quick one as Kili's eyes fall past your head. He swallows and stiffens. "Y/N." He says. Your shoulders fall and you lift your head. You turn and see Bolg walking towards the cage. You reach behind you and grab Kili's hand, your heart pounding. He squeezes it. Bolg unlocks the cage and jerks the door open. He motions for Kili and you to exit the cage. You both climb out of it and Bolg puts a hand on your and Kili's shoulder as if to say "Don't even try to escape.". He scowls at you the both of you and then takes you to Azog. Bolg shoves you to the ground and Kili and you both fall to your knees. "Now..." Azog says, speaking in English, surprising Kili and you and even Bolg. Azog circles Kili and you, like a wolf watching his prey. "I need information." He states. "You'll never get it!" Kili growls. "Oh..." Azog laughs softly. His eyes linger on you and you shrink beneath his gaze. "I think I will." He whispers, grinning. Fear drops in your stomach and you barely breathe.
"Where is Thorin Oakenshield going?" Azog asks. "We'll never tell you." You hiss, finding the courage to speak. "What is he up to?" He asks, ignoring you. "Why does he have thirteen Dwarves, a Hobbit, and a Wizard at his host? What is he planning?" Azog asks, staring between Kili and you. "If you think you're going to get a peep out of us, you know nothing!" Kili snaps. Icy blue eyes flick over to you and you close your eyes, unable to look at this piece of filth any longer. Azog reaches out a hand and clasps it around your neck. Your eyes fly open and stare into his defiantly. He tightens his hold on your neck and you gasp. "Put her down!" Kili screams, as Bolg clamps his hands around his arms, keeping him in place. "Not until you tell me where and what Thorin is doing." Azog bargains. "No! Kili, don't tell him anything!" You gasp. "Shut up!" Azog shouts. Kili looks between Azog and you, at war with what to do. "Don't. Tell. Him. Anything." You grit out. "If you kill her, you're going to have to kill me because you're not getting anything out of any of us." Kili says, defiantly, his eyes faltering though. "Oh, I'm not going to kill her. I'm just going to torture her until you tell me what I need." Azog says. "No." You gasp. Azog slams you against a stone wall and you drop to the floor in a pile. Pain runs up your neck and spine. You try to get up but collapse again. Azog walks over to you and puts his foot on your back. "I will break either of you." He states. He presses his foot on your back. Your spine cracks and you let out a small cry. "I will never tell you what you want. You can kill me...but you will never break me." You state, your eyes filling with tears. "Maybe I won't break you; but I will break the Dwarf. I see the obvious affection he holds for you...I will break him." Azog hisses. Anger runs through your bloods and you turn over, despite his foot heavily pressuring your back. "No!" You scream angrily. Azog grabs your arm and wrenches you off of the ground. The joint in your shoulder pops and you yell in pain. "Y/N!" Kili shouts panicked.
"Please, whatever you do, don't tell him anything, Kili. That's what he wants. You cannot tell him anything." You say. Azog backhands harshly and you stumble backwards. You feel yourself falling but Azog roughly grabs your bad arm and pulls you up. You scream and fall forward. You breathe heavily, your face burning and your arm screaming in pain. "What do you think would break this Dwarf?" Azog asks you, grinning. "Bolg!" He shouts. You glance at Kili, who's face is fearful and angry. Bolg looks at his father and they exchange a few sentences in Black Speech. At the end they both chuckle. You swallow, knowing that this can't be good for you. Azog looks at you and whips out a knife. Your eyes widen. Azog takes Bolg's place holding Kili. He hands the knife to Bolg. Bolg walks over to you. "N-no!" Kili struggles. You scramble backwards, your back hitting a stone wall. You stare at the knife, breathing heavily. Bolg takes hold of you and puts you in a headlock. "Tell me what I want to know. If you don't, Y/N's face will be riddled with scars for the rest of her pathetic life." Azog says. Your eyes widen and you pale. You go limp in Bolg's arms. "No..." You whisper, your eyes filling with tears. "You can't do this!" Kili screams, clawing at Azog. "Watch me." Azog snaps. He nods to Bolg. You let out a strangled scream, trying to struggle away from Bolg. Bolg grips the knife and slowly drags the tip of the knife from your temple to your chin. You let out a sobbing, piercing scream. Blood runs down your face. Kili looks like he's in torture. Tears fill his eyes and slide down his cheeks. Bolg drags the knife down the other side of your face and shout, sobbing. "Stop! Just stop! I'll tell you what you need to know!" Kili screams. Bolg lets go of the knife and of you. You fall to the floor. You stay frozen on the ground, your body numb and stiff. "Please, just don't hurt her anymore." Kili begs. "Just tell us what we need to know." Azog hisses. "Thorin is going to Erebor. He's going to reclaim it." Kili blurts. "I should've known." Azog murmurs.
"Is there anything else I should know?" He asks. "N-no..." Kili whispers. "Take them back to the cage. Leave them their to rot and let the crows pick on their skin." Azog orders. Bolg drags Kili and you back to the cage and shoves you in. He stalks off. "Y/N." Kili whispers, kneeling near your body. He touches your face, frowning. "Why did you tell them?" You ask. "I've endangered your whole quest." You cry. "You were going to die." He whispers, his words tinged with panic. "Better for me to die than know that the Company was killed." You say. "Shh, don't talk like that." He says. "We need to escape and warn Thorin." He says. "But how..." He murmurs. You reach into shirt and pull out Bolg's dagger. You place it in Kili's hand. "I took it when he dropped it." You explain. "Oh, bless you." Kili breathes, cupping your face. He places a quick kiss on your forehead. He moves to the door and sticks the tip of the dagger into the lock. A minute later, the lock breaks off. "Come on." Kili whispers, hiding the knife in his shirt. He helps you stand and gets you out of the cage. You limp and bend forward, your back and spine causing you pain when you straighten. "I-I think you're going to need to help me, Kili. We'll be caught if I walk on my own." You say, grimacing. Kili wraps an arm around your waist, supporting you. Kili and you hurry out of Dol Guldur. By the time you leave the fortress, you're out of breath and every bone in your body screams at you to rest. Kili picks you up into his arms and runs into Mirkwood.
A few hours later, Kili sets you on the ground and kneels near a river. He dips a rag in the water and then rings it out. He walks over to you and then sits on the ground. He gently holds the side of your face and wipes away the blood from your wounds. You stare into his eyes, your love for him growing by the second. He cleans the other side and then he slowly meets your eyes. He stares deeply into them and brushes his finger down the side of your face, making you close your eyes. Suddenly, Kili's lips are on yours. Your eyes open for a second and then close again. You wrap your good arm around him as he sinks his hands in your hair. He pulls you closer, his kiss becoming passionate. You pull away, breathing heavily. You open your eyes and find him staring at you. His breath matches your own. "What..." You breathe. "I love you, Y/N." He states. "You do?" You ask quietly. "I do. I've been falling in love with you every day since we started this adventure." Kili says. "That's good because I love you too." You whisper. "You do?" He asks, caressing your cheek. You nod, smiling. He smiles and leans his forehead to yours. A long moment later he kisses you again. "We should get going again. We need to warn Thorin." He says. He helps you up and pulls you back into his arms. "You're the most beautiful girl I've ever seen." He says. "Not with these wounds on my face I won't be." You whisper. "Stop. Just stop, Y/N. You're beautiful, wounds included. I love you for you, okay?" He says, looking at you. "Okay." You say, smiling. He nods and smiles. "Let's go." He says.
[THE END] I hope you liked it!

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 09, 2015 ⏰

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