My lucky day;)

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Hello lovelies! I just wanted u to know that I am very random! I love to be crazy and random! So yeah. One question before we get to the story...... Do u like tacos? I loveeeeeew tacos! Told u I'm cray cray!


Micah's P.O.V.


My alarm clock was yelling at me to get up.


"Micah! Hurry up and get ready for school! And don't forget I am picking u Liv and Sammie up at twelve for the concert!"

"Ok mommmmmmm!"

Today is the best day everrrrr! Because my friends sammie,liv, and I are going to an Ed Sheeran concert! Yay! Anyways I took a shower, dried my hair and curled it into perfect little rings. After that I had to get dressed in an Ed Sheeran shirt that my friends and I made and also in mini shorts with flip flops. It fit my perfect slim figure.

Oh yeah by the way. I have dark brunette hair. Pretty hazel eyes that change color depending on my mood and what I'm wearing and I have a pale body. I'm not popular but I'm not a geek either. I'm your normal 18 year old. Except one thing...... IM CRAY CRAY LIKE TOTALLY CRAY CRAY! :)

"Mom! I don't need a ride to school today cuz Sammie is picking Liv an I up!"


3 hours and 40 minutes later.

I'm at school and it's 11:30 and I am waiting for 12:00 to come!!!! Ugh!

30 minutes later!

" Mrs. Farfenugen. May I please have Samantha Stapleton, Olivia Loe, and Micah Estes for dismissal?"

Yes yes yes yes ye yes yes it is finally time for the concert!

Ugh but wait we have to wait for 2

hours just to get to London, England! Noooooooo! I decided to turn on the radio.

"An they say she's In the class A team stuck in her daydreams. Been this way since 18." We all started screaming in the car and bursting out every single lyric.

" guys we new to save that for the concert!" I yelled due to my other best friends still yelling.

"Ok!" They both said in unison.

Yes we finally arrived! ONG and we r the second people in line! We r totally getting the first row! The people in front of us look very similar. To similar. Hmmmmm



Hello lovelies. Well that's the first chappie. Not to good but oh well it will get better soon tho. Don't worry. Please I need comments an votes. Bye lovelies it sucks I know. Just don't b mean! Bye

My lucky day;)Where stories live. Discover now