24 | Exams pt. 1

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The sounds of water drizzling down from the showerhead were all you could hear as you drench your body. Your eyes are staring at the wall in front as you shower. The noises began to deafen as you recall what happened earlier.

The evening of training with your mentor was well spent at the apartment building's rooftop garden. After the scream in hopes of getting out of training, your mother sided with Edgeshot, saying that there's nothing wrong with being too prepared for the exam.

You ultimately thought her statement was bullshit, preparing for the exams; the last time you heard, Midoriya told the class that the practical exams would just be battling out the robots like the ones back at the school festival.

You scoffed at the words from Edgeshot, 'We would just be battling robots. I can easily defeat them. Ferromagnetism, hello?'

Before you could say any further, you shrieked when the shampoo suds went down to your eye. It shatters your thoughts entirely as you turn your focus to your burning eye as you wash it away, relieving it from its fiery pain.

You figured you'd bathed long enough. And so, you turn off the shower and change into your sleepwear, make a beeline to your room, and fall face-first to the bed.

Instead of letting your body relax to get a good night's sleep, you instantly sat upright on your bed. Anxiety ran through your mind, 'What if I didn't study enough? Or what if, in the exams, the questions are more confusing than those in quizzes?'

You quickly move to your desk and begin studying for the subjects scheduled on the first exam day till the third. And let's just say you ended up sleeping later than you intended.


The last three days of the written exam have been unexpected. You were so nervous and expected you would fail when the exam paper was passed on to you. Only to prove your worry wrong, you started answering them like a madman by the time you read the first few questions. Confidently and indeed answered all of the exam questions, and not even leaving a blank final answer in math because you mastered solving those devils.

You were quite contented when the final day of the written exam finished. 'Now for the practical exam.'

And here you are, in your hero costume, standing in a large plaza area. You and your classmates stood and faced the teachers at the entrance building. You felt your confidence burst through the roof, already knowing that your quirk and the robots you'll be battling in there is a perfect combo in passing the exams.

"Now, we will begin the practical exam!" Aizawa announced. "Of course, it is possible for you to fail this exam. Meaning, if you want to go to training camp, then don't make mistakes."

'Well, that was very encouraging.' You thought sarcastically.

"There are a lot of teachers...." You heard Jirou mumble behind you.

"I know you students have gathered intel from the other class or your seniors, And surely, you all are aware of what it is to be expected--"

"We'll be fighting those robots like in the entrance exam!" Kaminari cut off the homeroom teacher as he hollered in ecstasy.

"This will be a piece of cake! Bring out the fireworks! Curry!" Mina joined in her friend's enthusiasm as she began celebrating far too early.

But you, on the other hand, felt suspicion bubbling up in your stomach. Of course, it's good to be confident as you know what to expect in the exam but seeing the number of teachers (preferably the teachers in all of your subjects) gave you the benefit of the doubt and unease.

'If Mr. Aizawa already knew that we've gathered information, wouldn't he take into mind to change the mechanics of the exam? Could mom be right about this?'

Your thought was cut off when you spotted movement from Mr. Aizawa's scarf. "For various reasons, the exam will be different starting this time!" A white mouse in a suit, aka Principal Nezu, popped out of your teacher's scarf.

'What the heck?! The principal is even here! Wait, what did he just say?' You looked at your principal, eyes widening in shock.

"From now on, the exams would like to focus on person-to-person combat and hero work and stress teaching that is closer to actual fighting." Principal Nezu explained. You watched as he climbed down Mr. Aizawa.

'Hold on a sec, did he just say stress teaching? A-and duel combat?'

Although you stood there confidently, your eyes, however, held internal breakdown and panic. 'Holy Mac n' Cheese balls, mom was right!'

You then imagined your mom saying, "I told you so."

"And so, We've formed your class into teams to fight against one teacher! Of course, the teacher you will be up against has already been decided, and also the teams were strategically formed based on your fighting style, grades, and interpersonal relationships with your peers." The principal concluded. Shocked gasps from the whole class as they heard the announcement.

'Yep, I am screwed.'

Mr. Aizawa began announcing the teams and the teacher they would be battling. You ended up in the group of Iida and Ojiro, and your team will be battling Power Loader. At first, you were confused about why you will be fighting the Excavation Hero. His costume will ultimately be a benefit to yours, but doubt is lingering on your mind saying that a lot of things have happened unexpectedly today, so don't let your guard down.

"You have 30 minutes to finish the exams. Your objective to pass is either you put these handcuffs on your teacher or have one in your team escape the stage area." Principal Nezu explained the guidelines to the whole class.

'But isn't this a bit unfair? Considering that the teachers have more experience and have the strength better than teams of two or three students. If that's the case, then the best option would be escaping.' You thought.

You hold your chin as you try to come up with possible outcomes of escaping the stage. 'Would hiding in plain sight and escape be a good choice? ... No, Power Loader would be waiting on the exit if we do. One of us fights him, and the other runs straight to the exit? But he would catch us right away, not to mention the other will be injured when fighting him. Ugh, what to do?'

"But with these rules, you're probably thinking that your only choice to pass is to escape, right?" All Might's voice boomed, as if he read your thoughts. "That's why we have these things that the support course made for us... Ultra Compressed weights!"

He showed the class a thick metal bracelet. Teachers in front also pulled the weights out of their pockets and began putting them on their wrists and legs. "These will put on half of our body weight. It may not look like much, but it'll make it hard for us to move and eat up our stamina." He explained.

"But don't underestimate us, teachers, just because these would give you a chance to fight.".

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