28 | Well, that was scary

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"Please stop scaring me." You breathed out and turned around to fully faced that person. Only to see the familiar bi-colored hair and scar, you visibly relaxed as you see it was just Todoroki.

You released a sigh of relief, "Hey Todoroki, what's up?" You asked awkwardly, not knowing what to say to the bi-colored-haired boy other than that.

"S-sorry." Todoroki stuttered, "Want me to accompany you home or at least by the station? It's getting late, and I figured girls aren't safe alone at this time." He explained, looking away to the opened glass door that revealed the dark pinkish-purple sky slowly turning into indigo.

You followed his action, slightly agreeing to his offer. Replying with a hum, "I'll be fine on my own. But I'm not used to walking alone. I guess we can walk up to the gate. Is that alright with you?" You said, turning to look at Todoroki for confirmation.

He looked taken back from the condition but remained as stoic as before. Earlier, he noticed you looking for your friends and usually sees you walking with them during dismissal. Now with their absence, he figured this could be his chance to get close to you. He wanted to get to know you for a long time, ever since you helped him with the Hosu incident. And that kiss. (Chapter 12)

Oh my gosh, the kiss. Even though it was on the cheek, the boy didn't know why he felt like that. His flames would unconsciously flare up simultaneously with his cheeks when he thinks about it every night. It wasn't very comforting, yet he sort of liked it. And now he has the chance to feel it again, he hopes.

"I guess that's fine with me." He replied nonchalantly. If he's given a moment just to be with you, even if it's short, he'll take it.

You hummed and began exiting the school building, Todoroki following suit. The walk through the courtyard is very silent, quiet yet so comforting. The wind breeze grew cold as the evening came, the sounds of Todoroki's footsteps and yours held a satisfying click with each step taken, and the light of the lamp post flickered on as you two walked.

Sadly, a moment doesn't last forever as you and Todoroki reach the gates. "I guess this is where we would separate, Todoro--"

"Shoto." He cut you off.

"Hmm?" Being caught off guard, you tilt your head in confusion. Looking over to the boy for an answer, he looked away from you. Todoroki's cheeks flared up in heat as he turned his head away from your view.

"Call me Shoto." He coughed out, calming his flustered state and turning to face you. You blinked your eyes twice as your mind tried to process what just happened.

"Oh," Your eyes widen in realization. "I guess you can do the same thing too." You spoke without thinking. Shoto looked at you, confused.

'Oh shit, he doesn't get it.'

"I - uh, what I meant to say was ... " your voice laced with panic and anxiety. "You can call me by my given name. Since I believe it's fair, but then again, you already called me by my name before... a-accidentally, so... not that it bothered me, I just don't really mind it at all--"

You quickly slap your mouth shut as you realize you have been ranting. "-- I'm gonna stop now, sorry." You said sheepishly, heat creeping up in your face in embarrassment.

Shoto chuckled at your actions, finding you funny and cute. Not that you weren't before. "It's fine, [Y/N]." He assured you, giving you a slight smile.

"It's best if we separate now." You said in an unintentional formal tone, "The bus is here." You nodded your head to the side. Shoto looked to where you were pointing and saw the vehicle parked by the stop not too far away from his right.

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