Important Author's Note to read

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Hello. Welcome to the big trilogy of our two speedsters. For those of you who don't know, this has been a project that for a while, was exclusive only on Archive of our Own. For a long time, I was generally proud of the work I made in these KH books, and still am. But, I looked back at them, and over time, I felt the need change a few things.

Time of Keyblade only had a few changes. Most of it was dialogue as I changed up a couple stuff here and there. Another is that the World Lion Turtle has on official name: Geb. Big thank you to DragonFaerie on AO3 for suggesting it.

Dragon War had more changes. While most of it's the same, I went back and changed a few chapters and dialogue pieces to fit into the continuity I've been working on for my little universe. A couple chapters are drastically different, but I'm a lot more satisfied with how they came out.

Knight of the Storm has been completely redone. This was the hardest to work on as it was a collaboration with other writers. However, since I said I never wanted to do another project like that again, I knew this one would be a challenge to write. I still honored the old work by keeping the old one up, but that one is no longer cannon. For changes in this one, we have a new story that is both my own take and mixed with the new games. I removed a couple worlds and added in new ones, all OCs outside of my own are removed, and went through a whole redesign on some of the artwork. Due to the games being added to this, I divided this into two parts.

These three are separate on AO3, but for uploading them to Wattpad, I chose to combined them all into one big book. This way, not only can you see the new/cannon KH reality in my fanfic writing, but serves as an easier way to read them in order. The way how each will go is that each main book will have a bio that is specifically written for the story, and those will change in each new installment I add in.

Only three books will be in this. Since this massive book is revolving around Arcturus, side books such as Union Dragon and Blood Dragon won't make appearances here as they're their own separate works.

All author notes have been removed from these, but you can read them on AO3 for info.

Another important note: please DO NOT copy this work. I'm not gonna give names, but my works on both DVNT and KH have been copied over to other stories. Now, one of these people was polite enough to ask me before hand, and the other at least credited me, but I don't appreciate stuff that I spent days trying to come up added to other stuff, and them taking credit for it. Especially when it happens without my permission. If you want inspiration from this, that's fine. Message me first to ask permission, but otherwise, respect these works and don't copy them over.

Lastly, please no RPing. If you enjoy that kind of thing, that's cool, but if you're gonna do it here, don't include me in it. I can't always keep up with it, and when it happened in the third book, it got too confusing for me to follow along. Any rp done here can be for fun, but know it's not cannon and I won't add it in the chapters.

I understand if some of you aren't happy with these guidelines, but understand that these changes were made to better help the continuity I'm developing. If you don't like any of these, it's perfectly fine, as long as you don't give any negative comments about it.

Anyways, welcome to the trilogy, and enjoy the stories.

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