Prologue: STORY TIME

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Before the main story begins, the scene starts off in a house where a family is getting ready for bed. The parents had just put their son and daughter (who are about 6 years old) into bed, but both kids were stubborn.

Girl: mommy, daddy, can you tell us a story?

Boy: (excited) yeah! I wanna hear a story!

Dad: (very quick with it) well, once upon a time, there were two children who went to bed, the end.

Girl: that is a terrible story

Dad: (pretends to be offended) what? That's your favorite story of all time.

Mom: (chuckles) alright, alright. What story will it be tonight?

Boy: how about a new story!

Dad: a new story?

Girl: yeah!

The mother thought about it for a moment, and had an idea. She looks to her husband for confirmation.

Mom: should we tell them about him?

Dad: we have been wanting to do it for a while. Sure, do you remember where the book is?

The mother nodded, leaves the room to a bookshelf and pulls out a blue book with a silver lightning bolt and the words 'The Sapphire Speedster' were labeled on it. She walks back to the room, has her children snuggled in between her and the father. She opens the book, and begins reading.

Mom: throughout the universe, every star is the light of a world. Each world has their own time, and own history. But, many years ago, a group of different people from different worlds joined together to build a new home with the powers of light, darkness, and even time itself. They called this place, Future City. Here, it was controlled to exist anywhere and anywhen. You'd just need to go into the right direction, at the right time.

As she's reading, the scene shows pictures of the people creating this world, and Future City in all its glory. It then begins to shift the the clock tower where the silhouette of a figure stands on the top.

Mom: the people her were decided their roles and jobs they would be given. But, this is the story, of a boy who not only had the power to change his destiny, but the destiny of many hearts. His name...

(The silhouette finally shows of a boy with short, dark brown hair, a left brown eye, and a right silver eye)


Cue: Ambiguous

0:00 - 0:09

Arcturus looks out to the city until he reaches in his pocket, pulls out his pocket watch, and opens it.

0:10 - 0:20

The watch opens and releases a big flash of light. The light fades and the scene changes to a galaxy background with clock gears moving around and a heart begins to take view while spinning. Before it stops, a lightning bolt strikes it, revealing the title of the story with the words crackling blue electricity. The electricity picks up and soon the whole scene envelopes in light.

0:21 - 0:31

Arcturus is shown to be walking down the streets with his friends Jaime and Yuri. They're smiling, until everyone but Arcturus is moving faster than him. He walks a bit, not know that a faded version of Sora is watching him. He stops and places his hands on an invisible wall and looks up.

0:32 - 0:42

Cronos is shown in the Realm of Darkness, watching as Arcturus is with his family. Behind him, a faded Xehanort is smiling with his eye glowing yellow. Xehanort then disappears as his keyblades falls and shatters into pieces.

0:43 - 0:45

Silhouettes of Arcturus, Sora, Kairi, Riku, Roxas, Naminé, Xion, Axel, Terra, Aqua, Ventus, Mickey, Donald and Goofy are shown running with a blue clock spinning in the background.

0:45 - 0:48

Silhouettes of Cronos, Xehanort, Xemnas, Ansem, Young Xehanort, Vanitas, Xigbar, Saix, Repliku, Luxord, Marluxia, Larxene, and Azreal are running in the opposite direction with a red clock spinning backwards in the background.

0:48 - 0:52

Thousands of Soulless are surrounding Lighting, Richard, Yuri, Jaime, Sentinel and Clara. Lighting then revers grips her sword and slams it into the ground as she unleashes a massive blast of pink lighting from the ground, destroying everything.

0:53 - 0:59

Arcturus is running at super speed with blue lighting following behind him as he goes from worlds from SAO and Atlantis, to worlds from DETROIT: Become Human and RWBY. Cronos in running with red lighting following him as he goes through the Realm of Darkness, Star Wars, Treasure Planet, and Transformers.

0:59 - 1:04

Both speedsters draw their keyblades and began running towards each other and unleash a series of strikes that rip apart everything around them.

1:04 - 1:15

Future city is in chaos with a Dark vortex in the sky. Arcturus is wounded and Cronos readies powerful Soulless to him. A gold light shines, and Arcturus sees Sora, his friends, and the rest of the friends Arcturus made from the other worlds. He smiles, points his Keyblade at the enemy, and together, the hole army releases a powerful beam of light directly at the Soulless.

1:15 - 1:30

Arcturus is standing at the top of the clock tower, with his Keyblade resting on his right shoulder. He smiles at the sight of the world, reaches in his pocket and pulls out a coin. He flips it, looks up, and the scene zooms out and shows his friends and family, Sora and his team, Team RWBY, Connor, Kara, Markus, Kirito and his group, the Avengers, and the rest of people Arcturus met from the worlds (including the summons) are surrounding the clock tower.

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