Chapter 13

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Salvatore Boarding School for the Young & Gifted
Scott's POV

The moment I finally got my answer, I felt a strange calm wash over me, and then I let loose my speed and ran out of there, the library, the hallways and then the school building.

One moment, I was running on two feet, and the next, I was running on all fours and my speed increased exponentially as I headed for the woods.

The faster I ran, the more I felt something loosening deep inside me and the deeper I went into the woods the more I felt free and all my worries faded into nothing but the wind caressing my face and body while my claws dug into the grass and dirt and all I could smell was the wonderful scents of nature, multiple trees, grass, flowers and animals scents.

Somewhere along the way, my sight improved from its standard Alpha vision to what I felt deep in my soul was top grade True Alpha sight and vision.

Everything looked clearer and more vibrant, and it felt just as vibrant and when I reached the peak of the highest hill on the Salvatore Boarding School property, the one I saw from a distance when Lydia and I arrived, everything came to a stop, all my senses shut down and darkness was all I knew before I could take in the sight I was sure way breathtaking.

For what felt like an eternity, I felt and heard and saw and smelled and tasted nothing, there was just nothingness, no sense of direction either, and that terrified me.

There wasn't...

I suddenly felt a drumbeat and slowly my sight came back to me and I opened my eyes and was hit with blinding white light that forced me to close them and then opened them slowly and the moment I reopened them I knew where I was.

Actually, I didn't really know where exactly I was, just that I was on the plane of existence I once accessed with Allison and Stiles, but we were dead at the time. I didn't understand how I was there because I was sure that I was alive and...

And the drumbeat pulled me from my thoughts and I turned in the direction I felt more than heard them and found the nemeton.

I instinctively walked towards it and the closer I got, the louder the drumbeat got.

In no time, I was right before the supernatural stump and I protracted my claws without much thought, cut my palms deep and then placed them atop the surface of the nemeton, and it glowed mahogany while it absorbed my blood sacrifice, and then I was transported to the night and moment I became an Alpha.

Seeing my younger self pushing against the mountain ash broke my heart because that night was the night the hallucinations began and the fear of what I was capable of as an Alpha took hold of my heart although at that moment I didn't know what I was in for.

I noticed things I didn't notice before, Deucalion's awe as I broke through the mountain ash barrier and Derek's proud look, the latter warmed my heart and I remembered the first time he saved me from the Argents, Argent and his henchmen.

"You and me, Scott, we're brothers now," Derek once told me and oh it sounded so creepy at that moment and I didn't know why I thought it would sound different to Liam.


For the first time since Liam tried to kill me, I allowed myself to think about him, and it was only then that I realised that I didn't feel a connection with him anymore.

Our Alpha/Beta bond was gone.

That hit me hard, it felt like I lost a big part of myself and the hardest part was that my connection to Liam wasn't the only one that was gone.

My bond with Kira was gone as well as was my bond with Malia, Mason, Stiles and Ly-No, I still felt my bond with Lydia, and it was stronger than ever.

I remembered two other people I used to have that bond with, Allison and Isaac.

And the two people that asked me and gave their all to join my pack, one of whom died, Aiden and Ethan.

My fears got in the way in the past and prevented me from doing what I was supposed to do, embracing who I was, what I was, and doing anything I could to protect and save my friends, my pack, but no more.

I looked to the future with different eyes now.

I was Scott McCall the True Alpha werewolf and if I could change that, I wouldn't.

At that thought and resolve, I felt a buildup in my chest and I opened my eyes to find myself back in the physical world at the peak of the hill and I lifted my head high and released the buildup.
Dorian's Office
Dorian's POV

It took a moment for me to calm and collect myself after Scott left, a few moments, actually, but once I was in the right state of mind, I called Emma, and thankfully she answered.

"Hey, Emma," I said in greeting.


"Um, did you know that Scott's eyes could turn red, and he could shift without the full moon?" I asked.

"Yes," Emma replied. "Werewolves of his kind can turn without the full moon and the red eyes represent Alpha status."

"Alpha as in leader of his own pack?"

"Yes. I'm guessing you're researching his species."

"I am, but Scott just came by my office and asked if there were people around the southwest woods, so he could go there to shift," I informed her noting that she didn't sound surprised about me doing the research. "He said that he had to do something he has been avoiding for a long time.

When I mentioned the werewolf transitioning space in the basement he said that he had to do it out there. I had to let him go there because it looked like he was very close to shape-shifting. How good is his control? What are the chances that he will return here?"

"Did he say that he had to do something he's been avoiding for a long time verbatim?" Emma inquired.


"I, I wasn't expecting him to reach this stage so soon, he just arrived here, and I haven't put up the spells," Emma said, but I got the sense that she was thinking out loud more than speaking to me. "Dorian, I need you to tell Mr Saltzman to quickly send the werewolves to the gymnasium.

Answers will come later, just tell him it's a matter of life and death.

Everyone else should remain in the rooms they're in except the witches I'm going to summon to help me apply silencing and sealing spells around the gymnasium.

I'll explain later, getting the werewolves to the gymnasium is the priority."

With her instructions given, Emma ended the call and due to the urgency in her voice, I didn't waste a moment. I immediately called Alaric while I ran to his office.

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