Chapter 17

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Salvatore Boarding School for the Young & Gifted
Jed's POV

Never, in my whole life, has my transformation been so smooth and quick and, most of all, painless.

I felt my body shift but not the usual pain, and I was a lot more conscious and aware, in control, afterwards.

I was living my dream, every werewolf's dream, and I enjoyed it to the fullest while I ran towards the source of my dream come true and my pack followed my lead.

It wasn't long before we caught a fresh scent, and we followed it deep into the southwest woods and came across clothes along the way that looked familiar.

Up a hill, we went until we caught the scent of blood, a fresh kill.

Hope, who was ahead of us, slowed down and the pack took the lead towards the fresh-kill while she followed on the side like the packless Omega she chose to be.

It didn't take long to find the fresh kill, an adult elk big enough to feed all of us, and the brown male wolf feeding on it.

I was surprised by the red eyes when the wolf looked at us for a moment, growled in a warning, and then he continued to eat, hence I maintained the distance and just watched with the pack and Hope.

Usually, we would have chased away a predator from the kill, but there was something about this wolf that warned us to not even think about going near it, even the most hot-headed of the pack didn't push their luck, but they did walk around.

After a few minutes, Red, because of his unusual red eyes, stopped feeding and gave us his attention and I made sure that he knew I was the Alpha of the pack by taking a few steps forward with my head held high.

Little by little, Red came close to me and since he didn't show signs of aggression, just curiosity, I barked at my Betas that began to bark and growl at the Wolf to get them to stop.

After that, Red went back to the elk, fed a little before tearing off a whole untouched leg and then came back to the spot he was at with the leg and paused for a moment before walking halfway towards me, placing the leg down and then retreated to his position.

I took that as a gift for calming the others and walked over to the leg, sniffed it, took a bite and savored it for a moment, just to enjoy feeding with a clear mind, and then took the leg with me back to the pack.

I took another bite before I left the leg with the others to share and returned to my position.

Since he offered me food, it looked like we were starting things on the right foot so I took the initiative this time and closed the gap by walking a quarter forward.

Red closed the gap by a quarter as well, and then we waited and studied one another while we got used to each other's presence.

I was surprised when Red took a step forward, and I lowered my head a little and took a step backwards.

He took another step forward, and I lowered my head even further and on his third step forward I not only lowered my head further but my eyes as well.

My confusion and strange behavior pissed me off because I was the Alpha of Salvatore Boarding School Pack, I didn't bow to anyone, except my father who was also the Alpha of my pack back home.

Every step Red took forward felt like a challenge and that pissed me off even more, so I growled threateningly while standing tall with my tail raised high to show my dominance.

Somehow, Red appeared to grow in size when he followed my example and stood tall with his own tail and head high baring his teeth as he growled low, but it was just his presence.

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