The dream

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(Y/n's POV)

I woke up in a place full of darkness.I don't know where the heck I am but something does not feel right here.Suddenly, a light turned on."Much better" I thought and it was nice I guess until when I look down... this had me goosebumps.(Huh?)

(3rd person's POV)

You were terrified to see both of your parents are dead on the floor. You were so terrified that you also fell on the floor on your behind. You the heard voices saying “LOOK AT WHAT YOU HAVE DONE ", “ YOU COULD HAVE SAVE THEM " all of these voices are calling you a MONSTER all over again. All the voices are getting louder and louder and louder and more until you woke up in your cell.

You were sweating like crazy and breathing heavily but you soon calm down afterwards. You woke up on the floor in a room?. You soon realized that you're in a completely different place.The room was then filled with lights and a voice can be heard in your room saying...

   •Hello Y/n Welcome to your new home and get ready for some tests our dear subject

Cliffhanger ha ha sorry if this is short but at least I tried right? oof. This was supposed to be long but I was to lazy to continue it so sorry.

Update: I change up the story to make it more understandable for you readers! :) <33

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